The Sleepover Fiasco

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I am so sorry for not updating in forever, and i hope you can forgive me. This book got kinda popular and i needed to edit, but i got caught up in school, and now im moving. what im trying to say is everything is a big cluster fuck but im gonna try and fix it. :D


 As they start some music in my room, I get snacks. I grab some Doritos and, from my secret stash, I grab coke cola and other things to snack on. But then I think  'Am I missing something...?' and then it clicks. POPCORN. I microwave that bitch for 2 minutes and wait for  them to pop. as all ways, there is some on the button that didn't pop, and it really gets on my nerves for some weird reason.

As i rush up the stairs, I can hear music reach my ears. When I walk into the room, I see them on the bed, get comfy.

"Wow , thanks for leaving me a spot." i say,my words dripping with sarcasm. realizing I shouldn't ruin their perfect moment, i get on my soccer ball bean bag. I throwing them the Doritos and I laugh. they will never get the popcorn. my precious.

"I think" Sia pauses." We should watch a movie. Preferably scary." She gives me this toothy grin that forces me to do her work. "Who has two thumbs and and is Sierra's slave? This girl." Then, I point to my self with my thumbs. Sierra sits up and commands" Do all my dishes, peasant. and maybe, just maybe, I will allow you to be here, in our presence" She holds herself like a queen, randomly grabbing my ruler off my desk and using it as a staff. she then stands up. " and you... you will do my bidding." Her face turns to a smirk and jumps off the bed.

" Now, off to the royal... kitchen of cooking!" she shouts. " But we all ready have tons of food here!" I say, but no response from her. " You must address me as your Majesty when you talk to me." With this total serious look, I groan. "Your Majesty" I bow and everything, earning a little giggle from Sierra.

" But seriously, I want ice cream." She gives one more smile, then she run down to the kitchen.

" She is no spy with those footfalls." Ashton whispers, making us break out in laughter. I then take my only chance and dive for the bed, wrapping myself in the sheets.

"You may have won this battle, but I won the war" he crosses his arms. When she comes to the room, chock full of ice cream, we start our movie. While Sierra snuggles into Ashton, I hug my pillow trying to find comfort and warmth in it. Ashton had already marked her and everything, and I felt so much envy for that kind of relationship.

That's when his smell touches my nose. I seem to have better smell than the two love birds, too caught up in the movie. "Guys, I am going outside to... look at the stars." I then proceed to walk out the door to, not surprised, see the one and only Cale.

"Dude, you can get killed if your spotted in this area without permission!" I whisper yelled.

"Who said I didn't have permission?" That lop sided smile creeps on to his face, making my feel a tiny bit of butterflies flutter in my rib cage. "You don't have my permission to be at my back door, so be gone" Starting to get agitated.

"Aw come on you know you love me" He whispers in my ear as he tires to lean into me, only to be jump scared by my friends.

"Leah, come on your gonna miss the best part!" Sia yell loud enough for Cale to hear.

"Lets go in then, shall we?" he stretches  and straightens out his shirt.

"No, no, no, absolutely not. You can just barge in here expecting everything to be My Little Pony happiness. Don't try and ruin our sleep over for craps and giggles." I thrum my fingers on my jeans. " How about I introduce you first at the FRONT DOOR." I say, pushing him from the balcony. Like hell was I gonna let him in here when they were here. They would probably never talk to me again. As i walk into the room, all the eyes are on me.

"We aren't deaf, who's out there? Perhaps a secret lover?" Sierra pushes questions on me while Ash sits there with a bemused look on his face.

"You shouldn't be with another wolf unless its your-" she pauses. she does have a flair for the dramatic.

"Hes your mate, isn't he? Why didn't you tell me? Are you-" Sierra continues, but is interrupted.

"Calm down, baby, breathe. it doesn't matter, we are gonna find out right now anyways." And then the door bell sounds.

Sierra pauses the movies and gets up, heading straight for the door.

"Wait, please don't go down there. I would really like to just stay here." I hyperventilate a little. "We are having such a nice time. Let us not ruin it."

"Girl, I am going to meet him sooner or later, and I prefer it to be now" Sia says, pushing past me. She doesn't get far. I grab onto her leg, pulling her to the ground with me for company.

"Please, please, please don't meet him today!" I squirm while she tries to escape.

"Why not?" She yells and as soon as I let go, he walks around the corner

"Why hello, darling." Cale says as he strides to the couch, sitting and getting comfortable.

Silence fills the room as he sits there, I lay here, and she stands there. Sierras mouth is left ajar and i can clearly see the shock on here face. she is about to say something but Ashton takes the words right from her mouth.

"Holy shits, he's a blood-sucker."


Well, I did not expect it to take this long for an update. And then I do an even more cruel thing and leave it in a cliff hanger. I'm so mean. anyways, I hope you guys stick around because im going to trying and update by tomorrow which would be awesome. :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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