Only the Beginning

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Welp, i got  ABOUT 1000 reads.


well, all you guys are begging on your hands and knees for a new chapter so here you go :D

Also, if you are confused, im so sorry, my editor didnt like the name i had for one of the charachters so she changed it without telling me. :(

I put music because well, its a sad song, but i love it :D Dont question my weirdness.

Summertime Saddness by Lana Del Rey. enjoy it while it lasts, even though it will last forever.

Also, it would be awesome if people could make new covers, because well i dont know how to make a good one. :P






 He spins me around so that I'm facing him. His repulsive breath trickled down my neck, shaking me to the bone. i shivered but not in satisfaction. in disgust.I put my hands on his chest to push him away, but he just pulls us more together. He grabs my shoulders and starts raking his hands down my body. oh. i cant take this any longer! i push him away and try to run, but i am tripped and i fall to the floor. feeling his weight on my back, i try to wriggle free, but to no avail. so i do the thing i know best. i scream. I start to scream but he puts his sock in my mouth and gets tape to secure the sock in my mouth. my screams are muffled as he picks me up and puts me on his shoulder. And the fact that this is a used sock, is not helping my sanity stay in check. I start to choke on my spit in mild nausea. i could see the front door in view and when he opens the door, a blast of cool air brushes my skin, and somewhat gives me inspiration.

 To top it off, my wolf will not come out, so I'm stuck with this guy.


But luck is on my side today, kind of. One of my legs are loose, so I wiggle my right leg out of his grip, and with all of the power in me, I kick him right in the groin. he will never walk the same way again. We go to the ground with a 'um pf' and i push him hard to the ground, getting up, and running. Well, that dick didn't see that coming (buh dum tisss). I'm such a cock block. Me being me, I look behind me to see if he is up, but he is getting up and walking back to school.Right before he walks into the school, he mouthes 'so sorry' and i get the message and feel guilty for hitting him so hard in the baby maker. Its not like he could control it, right? I can visibly see his strain not to go get me. It is written all over his physical movement. I stop abruptly when i come in contact with a hard, strong muscled chest. As i look up, i am mad to see it is my mate.

" What?" i ask, as if nothing ever happened. He didn't look very happy, and he was looking to the school entrance, scaring me a bit. I look to my clothes and notice they are a but dirty from falling on the floor.there were also some blood stains, probably from falling onto to hard comcreate of the parking lot. I also notice a little cut on my hand that was starting to sting and swell. I tried to hide it, but he takes notice, and grabs my hand, making me wince in pain. He examines it and looks me straight in the eyes.

" Your pretty strong to knock down that guy, especially when he had you in his arms" he got more mad at the end. His eyes turned a dark blood red, as do all Vampires when they are angry or are being emotional, which i might add is rare. Vampires don't like to show weakness, and neither do werewolves.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, I kicked his ass. Get over it. He didn't mean to anyways." I said smoothly. he gave me a pointed look and took something out of his pocket.

"here." he hands me a small piece of paper. as i open it, i see it is his phone number.

"Hey! I don't-" i began to say, but he had already left. Me being me, i put the phone number into my phone, just in case.


As i walk in the door, i come face to face with my brother.

"Hey, hows it going?" I asked, walking to the kitchen for a snack. All i could find were healthy things like apples, juice and granola bars until i hit the jackpot. A bag of Doritos! Oh my lucky day. "Wow, something that isn't healthy. What is it with you being a healthy freak? whats so wrong with Cheetos, its not like we can get fat." I rummage through my little stash and find a Yoohoo. I act like I'm about to hit his face and he doesn't even flinch. "Your no fun." 

"This is serious, Jaye. We sent a search party to look for that vampire. What a vampire want from you anyways?" He looks at me for an answer but i put my best poker face on and say " I don't have any clue. its not like vampires like werewolves blood." 

"I can see right through you. I am getting very frustrated with you, cant you just tell me you know who it is?" He yells, blasting my eardrum. "Hey, i don't know, and I'm sorry."  i counter walking up the stairs. "i am your Alpha and you will tell me what i want to know!"

Ohhhhh. he went too far.

"Don't you dare pull the 'alpha' card bullshit on me." My voice leaked so much venom, if i was a snake it would have paralyzed him "You know I hate it when you try and use your alpha voice on me! Why cant you mind your own business?" I then slam my door to my room and jump onto my bed.I heard glass break downstairs and assumed it was ' Mr. I Control Your Life'. Man. He needs a massage. Well, fuck him. I know he cares but dam, i should throw so cold water on him and he will cool dow so many puns today). I walk over to my stereo system and plug my ipod in but before i can listen to my music, i hear a light knocking on the door and decide to go get the front door so my brother doesnt blow off his steam with who ever is behind the door. it turns out to be the one and only, Sia.

"hey, dude, what are you doing here? its getting like really late, like 11:45!" i stalk inside dragging Sierra behind me and i also smell her mate with her.

"We are here for a SLEEPOVER!" she then jumps all the way to my floor of the house and goes into my room, with her bed-buddie behind her. Ugh, the last thing I need is a sleepless night filled with nail polish and selfies.


Cliffhanger, i know but i just had so much writer block. deal with it.

Well, You can do all that stuff with like voting... and such.

Bye Horitos.

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