Someones at the Window

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I go to the window, and open the lock. As I open the window, I felt his eyes burning a hole in my fore head.

"Come in, the music will drown out and talking." I whispered, looking as he climbed in To my room.

Once he got inside, he went to my bed and sat down. When I looked at him, I saw he was still staring at me and I blushed. I went and sat down next to him.

'ask him his name' Sophie instructed.

'Im not stupid' I replied.

"Hey, um, What's your name?" I asked, looking at him. Then he looked me straight in the eyes and I was caught in his dark blue orbs. He had perfect, tan skin. He had jet black hair and it looked so touchable. He had full, pink lips. They looked addictive. He was wearing dark, blue jeans with a black collar tee. Let's not forget the black, leather jacket people. I have always wanted one of those... but he looked goodin it and it fit his features.

Man, I got a pretty sexy mate.

"Oh sorry," he said, still looking at me." my name is Cale."

Oh, that was a beautiful name and It rolled of his tongue.

"What's yours?" he asked, smiling a bit. he must have felt the nervousness rolling off me. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and him reject me.

"Oh, Im Jaye. I have to say, I didn't expect a vampire mate..." I said, feeling shy all of the sudden.

Then he moved closer to me, but not much. Like 5 inches closer, but my wolf want to snuggle him and be closer to him. So I moved closer to him and now we were 6 inches away.

"I didn't except a werewolf mate" He said, and he started to smirk.


And now there was an earthquake in my stomach taking place from the butterflies. I felt like I was getting closer to him by the second.

'KISS HIM! KISS HIM! KISS HIM!' My wolf shouted at the back of my head. I scooted a little closer, and he put his hand on my cheek.

" I also didn't expect a mate so beautiful either." he whispered, before he moved in, and kissed me.

It was a light kiss, but got more intense by the minute. I came up for air and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hand behind my head, and we began to sink into the bed.

I tangled my hands into his black, soft hair. it was SO soft.

I wasn't wrong about that.

He bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let his tongue slip into my mouth, when I heard a knock at my door.

"What are you doing? I smell something strange?..." I heard my brother say.

he pulled away, while I caught my breath.

"See you at school, Jaye." Looking into my eyes with try lust before jumping out the window.

2 seconds after he left, my brother came in.

"Why do I smell vampire? And what happened to your hair?" He asked, smelling the air.

"The vampire, he was here. Did he hurt you?" He said, before I could answer the first question.

"uh, I don't know what your talking about..." I said. I am horrible at telling lies if you hadn't noticed.

Suspicious as Fuck.

"He was here?! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!?" He boomed, scaring me a little.

"Leave me alone" I said.

'is that the best you could say? a parrot could do better than you.' Sophie said, not impressed.

'Oh,now we are comparing to parrots, huh?' I replied.

"Your are and always will be so dreaded at lying." he said, waiting for me to reply.

"Out" I said staring at him.


"OUT." I forced him out and locked the door.

"I swear if I smell that thing in the house one more time, YOUR GONNA BE IN TROUBLE , BIG TROUBLE."he said, trying to scare me.

With that, he left my room.






I woke that morning to a text message from Sierra.

"Im coming at 7:30, you better be up when I guy there." It read.

It was 6:30 and I wanted to look perfect.

I hurriedly got out of bed and got out a outfit. I got out my chiffon splicing short sleeve dress, with my cream converse.

I put light make-up but enough enough to impress.I made my way downstairs,grabbing my iPod off the counter. I saw Jason doing paper work at his desk with his computer.

Today, I was ignoring him because he was such an ass yesterday. he turns towards me and his eyes widden slightly.He says"Well, look at look nice" like nothing happened yesterday.

Wow, he is so brainless sometimes. And I hate it when some gets really mad at you one day, and the next day they act like nothing happened. it irritates me to No end.

I looked away from him, grabbing a bowl and pouring milk and frosted flakes into it. I love me some frosted flakes.

"Are you trying to impress someone?"He continued." Why are you not talking to me?"

I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder, stuffing the remaining cereal In a plastic bag so I could finish it in Sierras car. grabbing a spoon I head for the door, when Im stopped by Jason.

"Answer me Jaye."He blocked my path.

"Move."I pushed him out of the way to see Sierras car arriving. I didn't want to see him again this morning. He grabbed my arm but I yanked it out of his grasp.

I walk up to the passenger seat time see Ramos, so I get in to the back seat.

Today was going to be a good day, not to mention I have a MATE!







I know this chapter was really long and I hope you like to thank you guys. You guys are the best I'm so happy.

I actually got 60 readers and thats so good.

wait No.




and allegation other stuff

bye horitos :-)

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