Chapter 1

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Sydneys pov

My name is Sydney Oliver and as of today. I finally brought up the courage to take a pregnancy test. It's been weeks since I had my last period. So I walked to the nearest convenient store and bought a test. My hands were shaking as I went to pick out a test.

A worker at the store walked up to me. Looking at her name tag which read Martha. "I suggest this one" Martha said. Handing me a test in a pink box. "I don't have any money" I said. Martha smiled at me "it's on me no need to worry" Martha said. I went into the womens room I took a test out of the box.

After a few minutes after I took the test I checked it. Two pink lines showed up on the test. "I'm going to be a mom fuck my life is over" I said. I sat down on the bathroom floor crying. I took a picture of the test and sent it to Kyle.

Kyle didn't want anything to do with his child. Kyle wasn't my boyfriend, infact he was a rapist stranger who my mom brought home. My mother and I are in a very bad place in our lives. In her view prostitution is the answer. Look where it got me, pregnant in my late teens.

The wind hit my face as I walked home. My mother and I live in New York. I wish I could escape this horrid place. I wish I should've left with my father at least he's happy. I wonder what happiness feels like. Happiness and I haven't been friends in years.

Entering the house I told my mother everything. I told her about the pregnancy. Her reaction was a hurricane of emotions.

"YOUR WHAT PREGNANT SYDNEY GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW I CANT BELIEVE I EVER CALLED YOU MY DAUGHTER" Mom said. "WOW OK ONCE I GET PREGNANT YOU JUST KICK ME OUT LIKE THE MEN YOU BRING INTO THIS HOUSE WHEN DADS NOT AROUND" I said. I grabbed my things and left the house with hot tears running down my face. I look down at my belly. "It's going to be ok mommy is going to find us a good place to live" I said.

My mother should've never brought Kyle into our home. He did this to me my own rapist did this to me. My little son or daughter needs a caring loving father. If only the world gave out Prince Charming's like they do in fairy tales. But this is reality not another fairy tale about a princess who gets saved by the knight in shining armor in the end.

Jacksons pov
"Your going to be the best doctor in the world son you know I was and now your going to be a legacy" David said. "I know dad but I'm going to school to be a nurse not a doctor" I said. "But why would you want to be a nurse they would be so much better the ladies love doctors not male nurses" David said. "That's enough David it's our sons first day of college cut him some slack" Kelly said. "I know sweets but why couldn't our son be a doctor" David said. I rolled my eyes and walked to my dorm.

A couple hours later

My parents left a couple hours ago so I decided to go to a local diner called. 'Freddies' it was a nice little place. "Hey honey what can I get you today" Lisa said. "Well I'll have a cheese burger with a chocolate shake please" I said. "I'll get that right up for ya darlin" Lisa said. "Thank you" I said. A couple minutes later a girl about my age walked in looking like she hadn't slept in days.

"Hey get out no homeless people aloud" the manager said. "Please sir I haven't eaten a thing in days" she said. Her voice sounded beautiful. "GET OUT BEFORE I HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE TO ESCORT YOU OUT" the manager yelled. "Hey take it easy alright she's with me cmon" I said. "Ok then enjoy your meal everyone" the manager said. I looked down at the crying girl and helped her to my table.

She sat down at the table with me. "Can I get your name" I asked. "Sydney" she said. Sydney looked at my food like she hasn't eaten in a few hours. "Would you like something here I don't mind buying you something" I said. "I'll take whatever you have" Sydney said.

The same waiter came over with the same stuff I ordered a while ago. "Thank you" Sydney said. "Your welcome and I'm Jackson by the way" I said.

After Sydney finished her food the two of us left the restaurant.
"Do you have any place to stay tonight" I said. She shook her head. "Well come with me I have a spare room in my apartment" I said. She looked at me like I was a ax murderer. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" I said. She took my hand and her and I walked to my apartment."Thanks for saving my ass back there" she said. "It's no problem" I said.

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