The Worst Time of My Life

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Anna's POV

I woke up this time without having my annoying beeping monster of clock, which felt amazing for a change!

I got up and took my time on going to the bathroom, but when I did I turned on the shower head and waited for a couple minutes before stripping of my pj's a slipping into my nice warm shower.

After a while I slipped out of the shower and then began my way down stairs to get some breakfast.

When I made my way into the kitchen, I see my mom flipping pancakes, it amazes me on how she can do so much in one day with so much energy and enthusiasm. Ever since my dad left us I thought she was going to be sad and depressed like me when he left, but again she surprised me. When she noticed me standing in the hall she instantly smiled and then went back to the stove.

Mom "Hey Hun, how did you sleep?"

Anna "Fine, how was work?"

Mom "Tiring as usual but I still find a way to keep up, are you hungry?"

Anna "I always am"

She and I laughed, and after a while I had sat down and began to put syrup on my pancakes. After I finished my breakfast, I put my plate in the sink, and headed towards the living room to watch some t.v. After a while the t.v had nothing on so I took at short nap. When I woke up I checked my phone and saw that it was 8:00pm, wow that's what I get for a short nap. I decided that I would start getting ready for the party.

I climbed upstairs and then started looking through my closet trying to find something to wear. After about 30 minutes I decided to go with a floral pink tank top with a white lace blazer, white skinny jeans, and white high heels. I got changed then curled my long blonde hair, then pinned my bangs off to the side. Then I put on some makeup which included liquid foundation, smokey eyes, cat eye eyeliner, and a little blush to liven up my completion. When I finally finished with my makeup and hair, I checked the time, it was 9:15, Justin is supposed to pick me up in 15 minutes, that left me to pounder whether I should ask him about his phones calls and such before the party, or after, when I heard the doorbell ring I quickly decided after and went to go open the door.

When I opened the door I was holding back the feeling of dropping my jaw, Justin stood there with a black tee shirt and blazer that made his muscles look amazing, I would have kept checking him out but I was taken out of my trance with Justin chuckling while saying "take a picture, it'll last longer" I quickly dropped my gaze and blushed, Justin then grabbed my hand and then I closed the door behind me and left with Justin hand in hand, for now...

When we got to the party after a quite car ride, the music I could literally see pounding off the walls, and also the drunk people puking in the bushes and what not, a normal teenage party. Justin knocked on the door and some guy with piercings and tattoos smiled "Justin! Glad to see you came mate!"

"And even more pleased that you brought pretty lady too" after I heard that, I wanted to become one of the drunks and puke in one of the bushes. Pretending to ignore his comment we walked inside, I looked around and noticed five boys staring at me, feeling uncomfortable with their gaze, I walked towards the kitchen and poured myself a drink of water, "I really don't want to drink tonight with these crazy guys here" I thought.

I returned towards the entrance looking for Justin in the crowd of people, but I soon realized that he was no where to be found. I was startled when I heard an Irish accent

"Hey love, why are all alone?"

I turned around to see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes "dang he was attractive" I thought

Anna "I was just looking for someone" I replied

"Oh by the way, I'm Niall"

God I loved his accent, oh and face.

"Anna, nice to meet you Niall"

Niall "The pleasure is all mine love"

Niall "How about we go some where less crowded"

Anna "Umm sure I guess"

Niall lead me upstairs to a room which could be a bedroom, or a living room, I was really confused.

When we sat on the couch Niall had a different look in his eyes and a almost sinister but sorry look in his eyes

Niall "I'm sorry Anna, but I believe that the party has come to an end" and with that Niall put a cloth over my nose and mouth, but the last thing I saw was Justin and the other four guys that I saw earlier smirking a devilish smirk...

Hope you guys liked the chapter! I hoped you like the way I finally put One Direction in the story! What do you think is going to happen to Anna? Anyways, until the next chapter, see you later!


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