A Heart Formed and A Heart Broken

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Harry's POV:

I tried to contain myself after seeing Anna on the floor passed out with blood around her... But it was the hardest thing to not run over and help her. I stopped punching Luke and looked down to realize that I broke his nose which is already bruising, and he was knocked out cold. I looked around the room and saw that Liam started to wake up after being knocked out, and Louis and Niall took care of his attacker. Zayn had also taken care of the two remaining guys, tied their hands, and was dragging them downstairs. I had no idea of where Justin went, but I have more pressing matters.

"Niall, Lou, take care of the rest of them"

They nodded and began trying to gather up the guys. I rushed to Anna to see how badly she was bleeding. My heart shattered to see her with a pale face, and her head was surrounded in a pool of blood. I lifted her up bridal style, and carried her to my room so I could see how bad her head was. Once I got to my room, I laid her down on my bed and called Tim, our gangs doctor and old friend to come ASAP to see Anna. After calling him, I looked at Anna, she was getting worse, I put my hand to her forehead and knew she was burning up. It was scary seeing her with a pale face but with red around her cheeks and nose.


"Ya what- what's wrong with Rose!?"

"She hit her head or something, sh-she's bleeding really badly and has a high fever, I called Tim but he said he couldn't come right away, I don't know what to do!"

"Calm down Harry! I'll get Anna a wet cloth for her head to try to cool her down."

"Okay, thanks Zayn"

"And Harry, she's going to be fine"

"I- I uh just don't want to have another dead body to clean up that's all."

"Sure Harry, but I'll be back."

After Zayn left, I let out a breath, that was some stupid lie and I knew Zayn saw through it. I don't know why, but I keep ignoring my feelings for Anna. I sat next to her and grabbed her hand. A few minutes passed by, where the hell is Zayn? After a few more minutes, I was about to call him until he busted through the door.

"Hey man, Tim's here to see her, and here's the cloth."

"Thanks Zayn."

I heard Tim's voice speak up.

"I'll see her now."

Tim walked up and began examining Anna.

"How did she start bleeding?"

"I don't know, I think when I tackled Luke he had her in her arms, and then dropped her, so she probably hit her head."

"I see, the famous Styles is back at it again."

I ignored his comment.

"So how is she?"

"She's lost a lot of blood, and has a minor concussion, her fever went down so that's good news. Let me check her vitals and I'll give you some medicine for her head."

Tim started to take off Anna's shirt and I wanted to choke him.

"Hey, her heads hurting, the last time I checked her head wasn't covered by a shirt."

"I need to check her heartbeat and her temperature is still high, she's wearing warmer clothes."

"No I don't care, take her heartbeat with her shirt on, ok, ok."

Tim began to chuckle

"Does Harry have a little crush now?"

"No, I just think its wrong that you need to violate her when she's not conscious."

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