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Luke's POV

I was looking at the picture I fell in love with, a tiny girl with hazel eyes and blonde hair who was smiling brightly with a dog. Anna who I now know her name as was the girl of my dreams. But there was one small problem, my arch enemies had her... But I can fix that...

"Guys get in here!"

As soon as I hear footsteps I then see my three other lads, Michael, Ashton, and Calum, oh and by the way, I should probably mention I'm Luke, the leader of the Black Diamonds.

Calum: "What's up?"

Luke: "We are leaving tonight, so start packing."

Ashton:"Why do we need to leave?"

Luke: "We're going to pay our little friends a visit."

Michael:"Is it about Anna?"

Luke:"How do you know her name?"

Ashton"We've heard you screaming her name when the nightmares come... So we kinda figured that out..."

Luke:"We won't speak of my dreams again, we've discussed them before."

Calum:"So how are you going to get her?"

Luke:"It's quite simple, I make her believe that she's better with us then with them, then over a short time period, she'll fall for me."

Ashton:"Ok then, lets start packing."

******Anna's POV*****

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. "Anna, Annnnna, ANNA!" Liam screamed at the top of his lungs."WHAT" I screamed even louder.


"Well now that we're all up, we would like to take you to go out for breakfast" Harry directed towards me.

"Oh, and how do I, the damsel in distress thank the knight for saving me from this dungeon of ever loving crud?"

"A kiss might be enough" Harry replied with a cheeky smile

"Haha I would rather kiss a frog then kiss you, at least it has a better chance of turning into a prince."

All the boys started laughing and making jokes like "pour water on burned area" and "you just got owned by a girl" and all Harry did was blush and stare at me, and what surprised me the most, is that I actually smiled at him. What is going on with me?

"Well you better get ready, we'll be downstairs waiting for you"

Just as I was about to tell them that I didn't have any clothes to change into, they were already downstairs. I walked over to what seemed like a dresser and looked to find some shorts and tee-shirts, did they go shopping for me? I walked to the door and turns the knob, but screamed when I saw Niall on the other side of the door. "NIALL! YOU SCARED THE CHEESEBURGER OUT OF ME!" I don't like to curse so I just say random things instead.

"I was going to come and make sure you didn't fall back to sleep, but now I think you're wide awake" he said while chuckling. "Well if you don't mind, I'm going to go change and attempt to slow my outrageously beating heart"

Niall let me pass and go into the bathroom so I can change. After I got done changing, I went downstairs to find the guys who were sitting in the living room, and all looked up at me.

Ummm well this is awkward... Just then I heard the doorbell, and all the boys instantly tensed up, Zayn slowly waked towards the door and opened it with the same slow pace, and we could only here one word come out of his mouth in a gasp,



Sorry guys about leaving you on a cliffhanger, and for not updating in a while, but I update when I can so I'm very busy. How did you like 5SOS being introduced in the story? Will they get Anna? Only the next few updates will tell so buckle up for a bumpy ride! Love you guys, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMET! <3


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