Chapter 11: Carter ¢αт¢нєѕ the ball

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♡  Chapter 11: Carter ¢αт¢нєѕ the ball  ♡

What I look for in a guy:

1. Potential

A guy should be a PP, Potential Prince. A potential prince:

Is passionate. He stands up for his rights, and doesn't go along the crowd.

Respects you, respects you and your decisions.

Has integrity, he is honest and has strong moral principles.

Never doubts that you're the one for him, his eye is for you, and you only. He doesn't loook at other girls the way he looks at you. He doesn't cheat.

Is constant, stands by you through the sunshine and the shadows.

My eyes skim over the words that I had just written into my diary. A smile crosses my face. Every word and letter I had written is completely true. I know it might seem a lot to ask, but that's what I look for in a guy. One day, I know I will find my prince. Whether he's ugly, a nerd, or hot, he's a prince, and not a toad.

Right now, there's noone who's caught my eye just yet. Maybe I'll find him this year, maybe the next, or maybe when I'm 60 years old and living with a bunch of cats. It doesn't matter, because I know he's out there somewhere, waiting for me, as I am for him.

I shut my diary close and tuck it into my bedside drawer as I hear Cherry shouting my name.

"I'm coming! Hold your horses!" I can visually see her rolling her eyes and sighing in annoyance at this very moment. I roll my eyes and grab my pink halter bag from underneath my bed.

We came super early to my netball game, as Cherry had insisted. When I mean super early, I mean super early. We came an hour early! I have no idea why she insisted, but I think it's because we were late the last time. Hm. I think it's pretty offensive how she doesn't believe in me not to make that happen again. If that makes sense.

So we'er just sitting out on the courts, bored out of our minds. I'm just practicing my shoots while Cherry's on her phone doing who-knows-what. I just hope she's not watching the video of mine and Reece's kiss. Because if she was, I would totally go and kill her. Totally

I look briefly at my sports bag, and the thought about the Sleeping Beauty play comes to mind. I would have to tell Lindsay and Gabriella about it when they come, and I'll suggest that we should all do it.

Lindsay doesn't play netball, she plays volleyball instead. She's been playing it for all her middle years, and she's captain of the team. But that still doesn't stop her from coming to our netball games every Saturday to support us. See? That's what a true best friend is.

I take another quick glance at Cherry, to see that she's now texting. I roll my eyes and continue throwing the ball throught the hoop. One shot, two shots, three shots. I take a break from doing shots and look around the courts. It's still me and Cherry visible.

I continue shooting the ball through the ball. I still remember the words Brady and Reece said to me the other day. I'll be there to catch the ball. Well, that obviously meant they wanted to kiss me. But Reece! I still can't believe he said that. But how can I believe that he actually likes me? It wouldn't take a fortune to know that he wouldn't actually develop feelings. He's a player, for God's sake! A heartbreaker.

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