Chapter 10: He's so ησт into you

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♡   Chapter 10: He's so ησт into you  ♡

"So, where do you sit at lunch?" Brady Parker asks me as we walk together to English. I have no idea why, but I'm so drawn to his hair. Weird, I know, sue me all you want, it's my guilty pleasure. But seriously, the browness of it is so, so, luxurious. If you know what I mean. Which you probably don't, but anyways...

I smile at him as question after question trip over each other in my mind. Should I tell him where we sit? If I tell him, would he even want to sit with us? Did he even want to sit with us in the first place? The reasonablr voice in my head says, well, don't just stand there smiling there like a doofus, reply to his stinking quesion! Yep. Reasonable. And mean.

"You know that gazebo at the end of the garden?" I ask, receiving a nod from him. "Well, that's when we always have lunch, Lindsay Hilton, Gabriella Brooklyn and I. I'm pretty sure you've seen the gazebo before? It where we always spend time together."

A smile crosses his face as he places his hands in his pocket. "Sweet. Do you mind if I buy you your lunch today?"

Oh. My. God. How freaking sweet of him! I bite my lip, a grin making its way to my face. "No, I don't mind at all. That's actually pretty sweet of you." He chuckles a deep, rich laugh.

"Actually pretty sweet? That's all you say?"

"Haha." I say sarcastically, bumping my shoulder against his. He chuckles, placing his arm over my shoulder. "So, what are we doing next Friday?" He shakes his head, his brown hair shaking, which makes my fingers itch to rifle throught them. They must be soft....

"I can't tell you, Scar. If I did, than the surprise wouldn't really be a surprise."

I groan. "Ugh! I hate surprises, Brady. Can't you just give me a clue to where we're going? Even the slightest?" He shakes his head again.

"No, if I did give a clue, it would be a bit too obvious to where I'm taking you."

I slap his arm. "You're no fun, Parker. No fun at all."

We run into our english class, him chasing after me, and me giggling hysterically. Gladly, when we arrive, our teacher, Mrs Jones isn't there yet. Except a few students are and they stare at us as we enter, Brady's arm around me. Oh great. We just fed gossip like wood to a fire.

Brady doesn't sit next to me in english, the only class in which he sits next to me is biology. Which I don't really understand, because my last name is Hart, and his' is Parker, and they're not so close together in the alphabet, so I don't know why Mr Blacklock made us sit next to each other.

He follows me to my desk and take the seat next to me. He smiles at me as I take my books out of my bag and place them on the desk. I look at him. "So you've got the game again tomorrow, right?" I nod. "Sweet. I'll be there to catch the ball." Then he goes to his table before winking at me.

My heart hammers against my chest. That's the exact same thing Reece Cayton said to me. But would he still be there tomorrow for my game? Part of me hopes not. Part of me (the obviously stupid one) hopes that yes, he would be there to catch the ball. But that's only like, 29 percent of me that wants him to be there to catch the ball. I'm not exactly excited to kiss him again and make it to the front cover of Juciy Gossip magazine. Again. I've already had have enough experiences.

I'm drawing little hearts on my desk when I feel someone sit beside to me. I'm thinking that it's Phoebe Haynes (the girl that originally sits next to me) when I hear the same ol' familiar, annoying, irritating, sexy, husky, (did I mention annoying?) voice.

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