Chapter 7

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We stood there in silence, not awkward though, sweet 'I just want to stand here and look into your eyes' kind of silence. I had the biggest, stupidest smile on my face. I couldn't help it, I was in love. He let out a chuckle. "What?" I asked defensively.

"Your smile. It's just so cute," he replied. I lightly hit him in the arm.

"Whatever," I said.

"I'm being serious. You have the cutest smile I've ever seen," he said trying to convince me, I still thought I looked stupid but nodded and agreed.

"Peter," I said breaking the silence in the room.

"Yes, Darling?" He replied. He's never called me that before, I kinda liked it.

"I miss my family, a lot. I miss Mom, Dad, Michael, and John," I said looking down. I knew this sentence would hurt him, and it hurts me too. I realize I'll either stay here and not be truly 100% happy, or leave him here with no one to care about and no one to care about him.

He sighed as he realized what I had said. "D-do you want to go ho-home," he replied with hesitation in his voice. He didn't want to let me leave, but at the same time, he wanted me to be happy. I understand I want the same for him, but I just want to see my family right now.

I stayed silent for a bit then built up the courage to say what was on my mind. "I'm sorry Peter, but I do. I miss them and I know they miss me. The sad thing is that I will miss you too, but I need to see them even for a moment," I replied looking into his eyes.

"I understand Darling," he said. "I'm gonna miss you." I jumped and hugged him, his arms tightly around me and mine around him. I was thinking of not seeing him and how sad it would be then it hit me.

I jumped out of his arms and smiled. "What's wrong Darling?" He looked sad, confused, and worried all at the same time.

"What if you come back with me? I'll be able to see my family and we'll be able to see each other," I said with so much excitement in my voice.

He looked at me with love in his eyes, "Wendy," he started in a serious tone, "The lost boys need me. Everything is here, my kingdom is here," he replied.

"Is your kingdom more important than me? Do you care about me or your power?" I shot back. I could feel tears in the back of my eyes but I made them stay in my eye. He stood there in silence. "I see how it is!" I said as I walked away and out of the hut. I walked to a tree, not just any tree the tree. I looked at it for comfort and I calmed myself. The heart, our names, the tree. All of it was so sweet, he's so sweet.

Slowly I inhaled through my nose, exhaled through my mouth. Now calm I smiled at the heart. He can't be the only one doing so much to keep me happy, I need to think of him too! He's right he can't leave this is where he belongs...

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