Chapter 4

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Somehow my hand traveled to his abs. Feeling his abs, he moved a little. I made sure to stay as still as possible so I wouldn't wake him.

His hand moved from around my body to where my hand was. He grabbed my hand and held it tight like he didn't want to lose me. "Stay," he said still sleeping. He had panic in his voice as he said that, like whoever was leaving he really, truly cared about.

"I will," I whispered hoping the person he wanted to stay was me. A smile appeared on his face almost like he heard me. His eyes opened and he looked right into my eyes.

"Will you really stay?" He asked me. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. "Wendy, will you stay with me?" He asked putting his soft delicate hand on my face.

"Huh?" I said opening my eyes.

"I know you were awake," he said revealing my trick.

"Yeah, I was awake. So?"

"Answer my question. Will you really stay?" He asked sounding sincere like he wanted me to stay.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like I can leave anyway," I replied looking away from him.

"Wendy, I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry," the all powerful Peter Pan apologized to me, Wendy Darling.

"No you're not sorry, but it's fine. It's not like you care about anyone anyways. Why would it be any different for me?" I got up as I finished my sentence and walked over to the wall. I leaned on it and let my body drop to the ground.

My back was against the wall, my arms around my knees. I had a realization, that what I said was true. He didn't care about me, he didn't care for anyone except him.

"Wendy," he said sweetly. "I don't just care about me. I care about you too!" He said. I didn't know whether to believe him or not. I felt his arm around me and his head leaning on my shoulder.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked him. I felt tears forming, I couldn't let them fall, I blinked the tears away. When I said that he leaned away from me, and put his hand in his chest. "What are you doing Pan?"

"Call me Peter," he said as he pulled his heart out of his chest.

"What are you doing?!" I said terrified. What was he going to do with his heart?

"Here Wendy. As long as you have my heart I have to do whatever you say. I'll have no choice but to tell you the truth," he said handing me his heart.

I hesitantly took the heart. "Peter Pan, who do you care about?"

"I care about you Wendy Darling," he said leaning in to... Hug me! He wasn't thinking about making out with me, he just wanted to show he cared. We pulled away and he looked at me. I gave him back his heart so he could be put it back where it belongs. "Now do you believe me?" He asked as he put his heart in his chest.

I leaned in and kissed him, passionately. I pulled away, "Does that answer your question?" He smiled at me and nodded his head.

Pan and WendyWhere stories live. Discover now