Chapter 22

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You stood up from the bed leaving Ayato there to get some more sleep. Since the raid has been announced, he has be working all day and rarely got enough sleep. But you couldn't sleep. The responsibility of creating a strategy just stressed you out so you just lay there, trying not to stir too much in order not to wake him up. It was 5 AM and barely visible outside. You stood up and changed into some more presentable clothes, took the maps and headed out quietly. You were wandering around the empty building trying to figure out what could you do to kill some time. You knew you needed to finish the map by noon, but you needed some time with nothing on your mind. You headed towards the library. It always had a relaxing atmosphere and it could always calm you down. You approached the door and entered quietly. You noticed someone inside reading a book, and you already knew who it was.

"Kaneki" you said trying to get his attention. You made the way towards the table he was sitting at, and sat on the armchair opposite of him.
"(F/n)" he looked up from his book. "What brings you here so early?" He questioned
"I couldn't sleep" you answered "the strategy... There is no possible way it can go over 62%"
"Don't bother yourself with it too much" he said
"What? How can you say that? Lives of many are in my hands! It all depends on me!"
"But if we win that means the lives of humans are taken away by you, too"

His words stabbed you like a knife. You never thought about it that way. However it ends, somebody was going to die. The realization hit you, and you couldn't contain yourself from crying anymore. You silently started sobbing with your face in your hands. Kaneki patted your back to calm you down but the thought of anyone getting killed just shattered you to the point you just wanted to give up on everything.

"It's useless to think about it now. Even if you don't want to make a plan, someone else will. It's a never ending cycle." Kaneki said.
"My father is going to be there." You said as more tears fell down your cheeks. "I'm working against him. Even if Ayato-"

The door slammed open. You jumped in your seat and looked behind you with you face still red from crying. You saw Ayato, but he looked furious for some reason.

"Even if Ayato what?" Ayato said coming towards you "Find out about us, I'll still love you" he was sarcastic and it scared you
"What are you talking about, Ayato?" You said in disbelief. Did he really accuse you of cheating?
"You've been around her a lot lately, don't you think, Kaneki? How about you leave us now before I eat you alive"
"I will, but I don't see the reason you are yelling at us right now" Kaneki said as he stood up and headed towards the door."
"The reason? Tell him, (f/n), how many time have I woken up without you, only to find you around him"
"Do you actually hear yourself now? Do you know what are you saying right now?" You almost yelled at him
"Your actions say otherwise, (f/n)"
"I couldn't sleep! I didn't want to wake you up so I went out and-"
"And accidentally met him in the whole 45 floor building?! Don't give me that shit!" He yelled
"But it's true" you silently said
"Bullshit" he turned around and headed towards the door
"Wait, Ayato-"
"Go away" he somehow sounded defeated. He left you there in the library alone, crying, and broken.

It was 9PM and the raid was about to start. The raid was going to go according to your plan, but you had warned the executives multiple times that the winning possibility was barely 62%. All the army squads were lined up and lead by one of the executives. You should have gone with Ayato, but they told you that he had requested you to be with someone else. That hurt you a lot. You wanted to be with him since it was your first bigger raid. The executives wanted to place you with Kaneki, but this time you declined. Kaneki understood it completely and respected you decision. So in the end you were with Yamori. You were kind of scared of him, but you guessed it couldn't be worse that being alone. You saw Ayato in front of his squad. He didn't even spare you a glance. He was always looking down at his feet and seemed to be in a deep thought. You didn't want to be that distracted either, so you focused on the directions Yamori was giving to your squad. Soon, Tatara announced the start of the raid, and lead everyone through the underground passage to the CCG base. After a while of walking, you finally reached your destination. When Tatara nodded, you all knew you need to start. You and Yamori were actually assigned to the rooftop of the smaller building. It was one of the safer places and you didn't expect s lot of fight. You didn't even reach the rooftop and the sirens already went on. You knew that the doves were about to enter anytime soon. But actually they entered later than you've expected. There wasn't a lot of them, and Yamori and the army squad did the most of the job. The doves that went against you weren't that strong. You actually won agains everyone not earning a single scratch. When you were done, Yamori turned around and raised his eyebrows. He seemed surprised and excited, but no one could tell what was it.

"Did you smell something?" You asked
"Anteiku is here" he smiled "it would be lovely to beat them up" Yamori said as he motioned the squad to follow him. You stood there totally confused. Who was Anteiku? You have never heard of it. It wasn't in your plan at all. Just as you were about to follow them, someone appeared behind.

"Oi, stand still there" it was a deep female voice

You turned around to see a bunch of familiar purple hair and very familiar kagune. She was advancing towards you and looked like she wanted to kill you.

"Aren't you the damsel?" She started again "They said you are pretty skilled" you stared at her mask that looked like a rabbit. You released your kagune as well and took a several steps towards her.

"And who are you?" You questioned "I haven't seen you before. Yamori mentioned something Anteiku."
"You really are a clueless girl" she said as she attacked you.

The fight begun. She jumped and attacked from the air just like Ayato did in the trainings. It was going to be easy. The same kagune as Ayato has and she is weaker so it was going to be really easy to defeat her. You easily dodged the crystals she fired at you. She looked annoyed by the fact her attack weren't effective against you. You swung you kagune in order to hit her, but she just flew away. It was easy to defend but she had good defense too. It took you more than mere attack to harm her. You needed a strategy, but just as she was about to attack you again, you noticed a perfect chance to strike. Jumping to the left, you swung your kagune sat her side, but it never came in contact with her. She suddenly disappeared, leaving you confused with you kagune in the air. You turned around and saw Kaneki looking at you with the girl in his arms. He then released her and motioned for you to approach them. You cautiously stepped towards them and stopped when there was a two meter distance. They took of their masks, so you did as well. You finally saw her face clearly, and the resemblance she had with Ayato was scary. They both chuckled when they saw you staring at her for so long, so she finally extended her and introduced herself.

"I'm Kirishima Touka. I'm Ayato's older sister."

You shook her hand

"I'm (surname) (f/n)" you introduced yourself. "I had no idea he has siblings"
"He isn't comfortable with the family topic, I'm sure he didn't tell you anything" Touka said
"Well I am quite surprised he didn't" Kaneki said and Touka gave him a questioning look. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear that made her quite surprised. She smirked as she looked at you.
"Well, I must go now, the raid is still going on, so I'll go now!" She said
"Wait! Why did you-" she and Kaneki already left, leaving you there with unanswered questions.

You sighed and also knew you had to go somewhere where help was needed. You ran through the halls and saw most of the army squads standing still after having finished their missions with their respective leaders. You went down to the basement and noticed an army squad watching somewhere down. When they noticed you, they all bowed in respect and and you lightly nodded as the sign of mutual respect. You looked down to see a horrible scene or fully armored dove beating an already bloody executive. Who was that?

"What is going on down there"
"(F/n)-sama, we were told by our leader not to interfere by any means." One of the army squad ghouls told you
"And who is exactly your leader? He looks like he is going to die"
"We are told not to-"
"Are you defying my orders?" it was the first time you threatened someone

Cliff hanger? It tried, ok? XD hahaha I'm sorry for extra late update. I'm not in the country so I don't really have time to write. Also the next chapter is going to be the last, BUT, THERE WILL BE SEQUEL!! I will announce it after the last chapter so stay tuned! Also thank you CreepypastaToast for giving me the idea! I made it kind of more angsty but I hope you like it! Also, Angel_S_Ackerman, lemon is not going to be in this one, but in the sequel😊! Thank you all for your lovely votes and comments! Till the next time!💕💝💙💗💖❤️💜

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