Chapter 19

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Since Yamori proclaimed you as an executive, everything changed. Whenever you pass near some army squad ghoul, they would bow in respect just like they would for Ayato. You were called into meetings with other executives, helping with the best plans you could come up with. Together you were discussing multiple topics and you were really treated as an equal among executives, but you still didn't feel like one. Because of the given title, you trained harder, everyday longer than the other. Sometimes Ayato would come and train with you, but since he was busy, he couldn't make it to every of your training sessions. You didn't mind training alone, but you still liked it more with Ayato.


You stopped in your tracks when you heard the familiar voice call you

"Ayato" you approached him "how long have you been there?"
"Enough to see your progress" he told you
"Maybe we should continue your training outside in a real battle"

You looked terrified for a second. The real battle is either agains CCG or some random human. You didn't really think that Ayato would let you fight CCG already, so that meant...

"Let's go hunting" He said "You need to overcome your fear of killing"
"I... I can't-"
"No one asked you if you can, you have to" Ayato told you
"But how? I don't think I can do it unnoticed"
"I'll help, why don't we try with your best friend?"
"What? You want me to kill my best friend? How can I do that?"
"How do you expect to fight in a battle against CCG if you can't kill an ordinary human?" He asked you
"She is my best friend, we've known each other of years" you pleaded
"And you trusted each other so much that you left without saying anything" Ayato stated the truth "you have nothing to do with your human life anymore, forget it" He turned around, expecting you to follow him, and you did. "Also, here is your mask" He handed you a grey box.

You took it from him and opened it to see a white, half face mask covered with pearls and black lace on the sides. It was truly beautiful, and you immediately fell in love with it. You put it on and adjusted it. It fit perfectly. It covered your upper face leaving your smile uncovered.

"What do you think, Ayato?"

Ayato stared at you with a smirk

"I have to admit, you look beautiful" He said, blushing lightly

You were standing in the alley, waiting for your friend to pass on her way home from school. You were really nervous, but Ayato was also there, on the top of the house next to the alley, preparing to jump in if needed. Yumi, your best friend of 5 years has always been by your side, and now you were about to end that. You wouldn't do that, but it wasn't only order from Ayato, it was also order from other executives. You declined at first, but Ayato warned you of the consequences, and you didn't really want to experience the torture of Yamori, so you agreed. You were lost in thoughts, but quiet footsteps made you aware that you were on your very first mission. And then, you saw her, walking slowly towards you, but not noticing you at all. Just as she was in front of you, you called her name.

"Yumi?" You lightly called her

She turned around, recognizing the voice. With wide eyes, she turned her head towards you.


You smiled and nodded. You took her hand and pulled her inside the alley. You two sat on the ground, leaning on the wall.

"Everybody has been searching for you" she said with tears eyes "You really should see your mother as soon as possible. She is always crying. CCG took over the case, and they are suspecting that the ghouls ate you. I'm glad that isn't true"

You smiled at her, not saying anything. You waited for the perfect moment to strike.

"Let's go to your house" she stood up. "We need to tell this to your parents"

As soon as she stood up, you pulled her wrist and she fell on the ground. She was shivering and her eyes were opened wide, questioning you actions. Moving yourself in front of her, you leaned yourself near her ear and whispered:

"There is no need for that" As soon as you said that, you leaned to bite her skin near her neck. She didn't scream or shout for help probably from the fear. She was too scared to do anything. You took a light bite and pulled away from her. She was in shock and seeing your red pupils didn't make it any better.

"(F/n)..." She whispered in shock

You released your kagune and stabbed her in the stomach a couple of times. She was coughing blood, and after a few minutes, you were sure she was already dead.

"I'm sorry, Yumi."

You turned around and saw Ayato standing there with his mask on and hands in his pockets. Even though his lower face was covered, you could still guess he had a smirk on his face.

"That wasn't bad at all, idiot. Quite brave actually"

You just gave a light smile, still a little uneasy from the recent event. You both were about to jump on a building, when you heard a voice.

"Stop immediately"

It was CCG.


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