The rescue

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I wake up in a dark, cold room. Cold metal handcuffs are keeping me on the wood chair. I look around, Tom! "Tom?" I ask. His reply is a mumble. "Tom are you okay?"

"He's perfectly fine! See?" Dan puts a light on him. He's bleeding in three different places, bruised, and has an even blacker eye.

"You son of a b-" Dan places his hand over my mouth.

"Let me do the talking miss." He says as he takes it off. "Did you miss me my queen?"

"Hell to the no."

"You know, none of this had to happen if you didn't create your own army."

"(Y/N) what does he mean?" Tord asks.


"(Y/N) what. Does. He. Mean."


"She's the Purple Leader. Well Ex Purple Leader I should say." Dan speaks again.

"Is that why you were so mad whenever I hit or yelled at one of my men."

"Tord I'm sorry... I should have told you..."

"Yeah you should have (Y/N)" Tord says. "Though I still love you the same."

"Oh, how cheesy." I say blushing.

"Yeah it's so cheesy I'm gunna barf." Dan says fake gagging. "Anyway, Tord. She is my queen now."

"Actually n-"


"Jesus okay!"

"Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone then... Tom! Long time no see!" Tord says as he leaves.


All of a sudden the ground shakes as something explodes.

"On second thought, I'd rather stay..."

Another explosion. This time a lot closer.
Paul and Patryk enter soon after.

"Sir, the army's arriving."

"Yeah, I got that part. Thanks." Tord replied.

"Tom!" Edd shouts as Matt and him run over.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dan yells.

"Well your surrounded, Edd and Matt are trying to get Tom out as Paul and Patryk get (Y/N) out." Tord answers.

"I also didn't realize how idiotic the yellow leader was. I could have defeated you a wile ago." Tord says grinning.

Tord punched Dan in the eye (like he did to Matt.)

"Paul get everyone out! If I don't make it back by sundown, (Y/N) is in charge."

"TORD!" I scream as Paul and Patryk pull me out of the building. I kicked, I screamed, I flailed punches. Nothing was working. "We can't leave him!" I yell. No answer. Edd, and Matt were taking Tom back to the hospital. Paul and Patryk were taking me back to the camp site.

"What happened to the purple army?" Paul blurted. Patryk was driving the vehicle while I was in the back.

I stayed silent.

"Look, I'm sorry i didn't mean to say that... But weren't you a ruthless killing machine? Now your just... You..."

I sigh. "The purple army was the biggest army out there... Actually, I should probably tell the whole army... They already don't trust me..."

"But I..."

"Dude shut up. Boss said she's in charge so leave her alone." Patryk says a bit annoyed.

"Sorry." Paul muttered.

Time skipparu!

Sundown. Tord isn't anywhere near here., Alice can't find a trace of him.

"Soooo..." The boy from earlier says. "Your the purple leader?"

I gather everyone around the fire. "Why does this seem like a child's ghost story so much?" I ask myself as everyone gathers.

"The purple was the greatest army, ever. In my opinion, will always be the best. Not because I led it, but because of the people that were in it. Anyway back to the topic...

"We had just finished training sessions when my assistant had wanted to throw a party, with alcohol. Now because I thought everyone did amazing I said "what the hell! What could go wrong?" Little did I know that party was our demise. I had-"

"Tord?" I look at the being stumbling towards us. He didn't reply, rather fell on the ground.  "Paul Patryk get him to a medical tent, we need a nurse or doctor over there now!" I yell orders.
"Sorry everyone, story's gunna have to wait..."

Sorry this was shorter than my last chapter, and that it came out a wile longer than usual... I had a hard time figuring out a story for this chapter and gave up writing for a few days. Anyway next one will be out 2-3 days tops. Kay?

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