The dream

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You awaken to sun shining, slight breeze, and birds chirping. Children laughing, playing, being children. Just kidding! You wake up at 6AM on the dot to a heavy banging on your door. You groan. You sit up, and reluctantly get out of bed. You walk downstairs, and open the door. Let me tell you, 6AM is early. Your not a morning person, your wearing a stained shirt, and overall look like crap.

"What do you want." You say to the green hooded man similar to Edd. "I was wondering if you would like a real man..." Before he could finish you slammed the door on him. He knocks again. "IF YOU KEEP KNOCKING I CUT YOUR HAND OFF!" You scream at the door. You walk back upstairs. "God I hope I can at least go back to sleep for a few more hours." You say to yourself. "But that would ruin the fun!" You hear a familiar voice say as you walk back into your room. Tord was sitting on your bed, grinning. "Tord. Why the hell. Are you in my house?" You say angrily.

"I wanted to make sure that Edwardo wasn't going to hurt you."

"Am I supposed to be great full?"

"Well yes...?"

"Get out."


You grabbed his hoodie taking him off guard. You pulled him close. Too close. "Get ou-" you were interrupted by a kiss. It felt amazing, so god damn amazing. You kissed back for what felt like forever. "You still want me to leave?" He said grinning. "Cuz after that I figured-" you cut him off. "Dude it's 6 in the morning. Get out." You said happily but drowsy. You then passed out on the bed, not even seeing Tord leave.

The dream you had should have been pleasant. But instead was horrible. You appear in a battle field, looks like a war between red and yellow. Gun shots ring through the air. Yelling screaming, and death. This was truly a war. Where this was though, you were unsure. "Miss get down!" A red soldier yells at you. You look at your cloths, you had the same clothing the red soldiers had on. "But I'm not a soldier!" You yell back. A man with a different suit of red on appears. Though you don't see his face but only his hand. "(Y/N)" the soldier yells. "How do you know m-"
"(Y/N)!" Tord yells. You sit up rather fast. Panting. "(Y/N) what happened?" He says concerned. "You were just telling me to leave and you fainted. Just like that." He says snapping his fingers.

"How long was I out for?"

"30 minutes at least."

"Seriously? Felt like longer."

"Want to tell me about your nightmare?"

"N-No not really..."

"It would ease yo-"

"NO!" You yell cutting him off. He jumps. "Uh-Hu. It's obviously bothering you. Though I can't force it, I'd rather you tell me (y/n)."
You didn't tell him. You told him a lie. About his getting into a fight with Tom and both of them ending up dead. Although he knows it's a lie, he doesn't bring it up. "Thank you." He said as he left.

7AM. No way your sleeping after that. You just sat on your bed. Wondering what happens in that dream. Until another knock on your door. By now you've cleaned yourself up to look half way decent. You walk downstairs. Open the door and suddenly a bag is thrown over your head. You begin screaming, kicking, and punching nothing but air. Some sort of gas fills the bag, as the world soon turns to darkness.

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