Help [All RM members]

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Long time not update! Here's a longer one for you guys 😏 Don't forget to vote and comment.

The 6 times Running Man members help her and the 1 time she helps them.



"Hmm..." Ji hyo mumbled as she stared at the mission card. The PD had just given her the Spy mission. Again.

"Are you going to do it, Ji hyo ssi?" The PD asked.

After seconds of thinking, she smiled, "Yes. Of course."

The PD nodded his head and gestured her to exit and started her mission. Nerve-wrecking mission but fun.


Eliminating Suk jin was easy. He trusted her so much and stupidly followed her to the corner. Ji hyo finished him immediately.

Next was HaHa. The guy clearly didn't trust her. He kept on throwing her the suspicious look. But after she convinced him that she found a clue on the third floor, he followed her.

HaHa searched the third floor carefully. He looked to almost all places. When he went to an empty room, Ji hyo quickly closed his mouth and tore his nametag.

She smiled triumphantly as HaHa was dragged out. 2 people down, leaving only 4 more people to--

"Well, well, well. If it isn't for our infamous Miss Mong."

Ji hyo jumped in surprise. She looked back. Who--

"Jae suk oppa." She muttered.

Ji hyo cursed in her heart for her carelessness. Turns out, Jae suk was hiding under the long meeting table.
Jae suk crawled out and stood up.

"Of course it had to be you. The spy." Jae suk crossed his arms.

Ji hyo sighed and tied her hair. Aah, she should've checked the room before. Now Jae suk knew. And she'll lose.

"What? Are you going to tell the others? Eliminate me?" Ji hyo asked.

Jae suk shrugged, "Maybe."

Ji hyo raised her eyebrows.

"Alright. What do you want?" Ji hyo narrowed her eyes.

Jae suk's mouth twitched and he smiled, "You got me. Perhaps we can share?"

"Share?" Ji hyo acted dumb. Of course she knew what Jae suk meant.

"The price. We can share it. 50:50." Jae suk smile widen.

Ji hyo took a few seconds of thinking. Can she trust him? And besides, it's good to have someone to help her. How will she eliminated Jong kook?

"Okay. Fine."



Ji hyo sat beside her team; Gary and HaHa. They're hopeless. Really. Because here they are, sitting around the table, trying to figure out the hard questions while the other team seemed to know the answer.

"Aigooo.... We're so DOOMED!" HaHa whined loudly. Gary was now drawing stickman on the sheet of paper; clearly giving up.

"Ah, come on." Ji hyo sighed. She eyed at the other group. Jae suk and the two guests were solving the problem. And so did Jong kook, Kwang soo and Suk jin.

Jong kook then went to the toilet and Kwang soo followed as he thought of a prank. Leaving Suk jin alone, solving the problems.

Ji hyo smirked as an idea suddenly came out and went to Suk jin's table. Behind her, Gary and HaHa had started to sing 'oh we're so doomed' song.

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