30;Sorry Not Sorry, Gideon.

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Chapter thirty \\ - Sorry Not Sorry, Gideon.

As Daisy had spend years avoiding trouble she she found herself wandering a hole new era of things she hadn't lived yet. But as always the immortal girl felt something dragging her to the tallest building and that my friends was called, power.

Somewhere in Daisy's mind she hope that she would ran into herself, she was immortal and she had to be alive, right? But she was getting more and more worried that she wasn't. So her first mission was to find some sort of record that the government was keeping. (By this time the government would probably track what everyone eat for breakfast.)

Suddenly an older gentleman grabbed Daisy's upper arm, interfering in her mission as he stopped the strawberry blonde girl from taking another step. -"Miss, Brianna." And as Daisy face became anything but welcome. And as the man once understood that she didn't respond to that name. -"I'm sorry miss. I thought you were someone else"

Daisy pulled back her arm and quickly started to almost run away from the man as a few people had stopped and watch the situation and she was the type of face most people remembered. As all thoughts ran through her head, "Who was that guy" and "how did he know my name"

Arianna was something she hadn't been called for decades and almost two hundred years. It was her birth given name but she hated it, more than anything and she wanted nothing more than to claw the name out of her skin. The anger was once again something that was eating in her head, she couldn't shake the feeling like something bad was going to be reviled sooner rather than later.

The glass door was being pushed up and before it had closed, Daisy had already sneaked passed the security guard and picked pocket someones wallet that looked like the person had a high position in this place and no one had noticed it. But right before the door closed, Daisy looked back and watched captain Hunter, Sara and Leonard outside the building and she wanted to help them get in but on the other hand she was already passed the security guard, had a card so the she could open many doors and a thought in her head "I got this far by myself, they will do just fine by themselves."

While Daisy continued her path to find any existence that she lived in this time. So after silently sneaking passed more than 20 guards and Daisy was feeling herself as she still was the best at getting into places she was not welcome, like clubs or morgues.

The light turned green as Daisy's heart continued to beat and as the record room opened and the immortal girl opened drawers and was searching for her name.

"Blakeley Bennett born 1813 and died the year of 1831. The power of her cells adapting in a very high speed, making her immortal to old age and other deadly viruses. Changed her name in 1831 to Daisy Adair. Lost her humanity in 1891 and was the last know victim of Jack the Ripper before--" Daisy read and in her mind she already knew all of this, so it was more of "bla bla bla" situation.

But as her eyes quickly scanned the page she came across something very interested, "Daisy Adair, married Vandal Savage the year of 2145 and becomes Daisy Savage the following year. Daisy Savage died the year 2146 and did not come back to life. She's buried in her family's graveyard. "

The sentence was read and suddenly Daisy dropped the file on the floor, tears in her eyes started to appear not by disappointment but rather out of anger, he was a monster that tortured her and drowned her how could this be history?

Daisy Adair wasn't weak, she was the stronger version of herself and she had become that after she died, she promised herself that white these powers she would be better, stronger and fight fucking harder.

She died as Blakeley Bennett, sure but after she was reborn like bird filled with fire anger and immorality she needed no one except herself and she could't die. But the year 1831 was the year she changed her name to Daisy Adair and she became a different person all fire and the wrong kind of love. Daisy died and her otherwise blonde hair turned to the shade of blood and she raised out of the ashes.

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