12;Maximillian Emerald

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I do not own "DC's Legends Of Tomorrow" it belongs to me DC Entertainment, I own my characters and their plots.

Chapter twelve \\ - Maximillian Emerald.

A clinking sound echoed throughout the empty halls when Daisy knocked her hand on the metal walls on one of the ships' many corridor walls.

-"Gideon, is there somewhere on a smaller expedition ship on this bigger ship..." Daisy spoke but then she actually heard what she had just said.

-"Is there somewhere smaller and hotter?" Daisy finally formed her sentence.

-"Of course, Ms. Adair. Second door to your left. The ship is inoperable without its key and can be used as a resting room" Gideon spoke.

-"Thank you, Gideon. May I say that you are very useful. It's a compliment" Daisy said as she followed the corridor and she kept her eye's to the left.

-"You may, Ms. Adair. May I say you look lovely today..." Gideon's computer voice spoke and made Daisy smile.

-"Well, first time for me to get a compliment form a computer" Daisy said and opened the door to her left and she walked in.

The room was small, defiantly looked like a ship but nice, warm. Daisy walked to the back and noticed a metal bench. Daisy knocked on the out side and she was meet with a harsh sound bouncing back to her.

-"Perfect" The immortal girl mumbled as this was going to be her new bed.

Daisy had grown up in the 1800's and back then they slept on the floor and she grew up that way but then time evolved and bed had become marshmallows' and it was to soft for the immortal girl's back.

If there was one ritual Daisy held dear to her heart, was that she liked sleeping on the could ground and even metal. One thing the immortal girl could not grow out. The strawberry blonde girl closed her eyes and she drifted of to sleep.


-"Daisy" A voice said and someone shook her shoulders.

-"Mm. I'm gonna kill you.." The immortal girl mumbled as she was being woken up.

-"I need to get to the electric system, that's right under the bench,," A voice said and Daisy was still not sure who that was.

-"Jeff..?" Daisy asked, still closed her eyes. Daisy hated mornings.

-"It's actually Jax..." Jeff said but Daisy opened her eyes just so she could give him one of her 'Death looks'.

Jeff continued, -"B-But Jeff is fine"

Daisy removed herself from the bench and sat in one of the fie chairs in the room.

-"Trouble sleeping?" Jeff asked.

-"Well, I have watched powerful men fall, killed more people than I can count, I have watched kingdoms fall and seen city's being re-build. But I can not sleep in normal beds'... What does that tell you..?" Daisy said and rubbed her eyes.

-"It's quiet common, you know. I had a friend that was in the military, he came home and he could not sleep in his bed, he said it was like a-" Jeff started but was cut off by Daisy.


Jeff smiled, -"Exactly" Daisy laughed. Jeff walked over to the control panel as Daisy sat silently and watched him work.

-"Ha! Nice ride!" Mick said as he and Leonard walked in to the small ship.

-"Yeah, it can hit a Mach 3 in a walk. Pretty cool." Jeff said and Mick walked up next to him.

-"How'd you know so much about it?" Leonard asked and walked up behind him.

Daisy saw where this was going, they wanted something from Jeff.

-"Little thing called an instruction manual. Did you read the part about how to fly this thing?" Leonard asked and sat down next to Daisy.

-"Maybe... Why?" Jeff asked.

-"We're gonna take a little sojourn to Central City. There's a priceless jewel that needs to be freed from captivity." Leonard picked his words very carefully.

-"You want me to help you steal something? Nah, man. I'll pass." Jeff spoke.

-"Not exactly asking, Jax." Leonard said and this time he had a different tone. One Daisy only had heard a few times.

-"Wow. Carter is dead, Kendra is this close to joining him, and Vandal Savage is still alive and out there doing God knows what, and all you can think about is stealing some diamond?" Jeff asked.

-"It's an emerald." Leonard quickly corrected Jeff. Daisy sat silent and rolled her eyes, this emerald that Snart was talking about was the Maximillian emerald and was also he one Leonard's father went to prison trying to steal.

-"Is there anything you think about other than yourself?" Jeff asked and this conversation turned out to be first seats to watch Jeff aka Fireball and Leonard aka Cold, fight.

-"Yes. Money."

-"Nah. I'm not helping you guys steal anything. So if you want to shoot me, then shoot me." Jeff said and Mick rushed up from his seat.

-"Can I shoot him?" Mick with his heat gun asked.

-"You got a pair on you, kid. I respect that." Leonard said and Mick got the hint. -"So no shooting..."

-"Look, you don't actually have to help us steal anything. We just need to get to Central City. We'll be there and back before anyone knows we're even gone." Leonard spoke his plan.

-"Man, even if I wanted to help, and I'm not saying that I do, this thing's got a security lockout. We need an access key." Jeff said and Leonard pulled out something from his pocket and it looked like somewhat of key.

-"You can't tell me you don't wanna see what this baby can do." Leonard said and smile spread on Jeff's lips. He took the key willingly and sat down in the driver seat.

Leonard turned to Daisy, -" You wanna come with, or stay behind?" Leonard asked.

Daisy raised from her seat and stood in front of Leonard. -"You know I'm always up for a little fun." Daisy spoke in her flirtatious voice, she gently felt the color on Leonard's shirt.

They both smiled and sat down. But this time, Daisy had pulled her arm around Leonard's bicep, and she could feel his muscles'.


The ship landed on top of the building. It was easy getting in to the building, all the three criminal had to do was use Snart's cold gun and make a little tiny hole in the ceiling.

Only 10% of the people in 1975 used smoke alarms so breaking the alarms in the 70's wasn't hard to avoid.

And like Vandal Savage's mansion the expensive stuff was on display in glass boxes, lighting up from the inside and which only made the job easier for the three criminals.

Mick stood guard as Leonard and Daisy gracefully walked in, a little emerald in the back of the room showed and it was the one Leonard was looking for.

Leonard removed the glass box and put the emerald in his pocket, he walked close to Daisy and almost pressed his lips to her ears. -"Remember the Bulgarian necklace we stole back in the day?" He whispered.

Daisy smiled, that was a good memory and something she had almost forgotten, -"Oh, really?.. We should do these types of things more often, considering we are very good at it" Daisy spoke and this time she had her lips close to Leonard's ear.

Daisy kissed the skin under Leonard's jawline and carefully placed her hand in his pocket, she had her lips pressed to his skin as she removed the emerald and put it in her pocket. She broke apart and walked back to the ship.

Leonard on the other hand, connected the dots in a matter of seconds but by then Daisy was back on the ship. He stood there, smiling.

-"You are something special" He mumbled as he walked back to the expedition ship.


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