Chapter 4

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I have decided to leave the role of Dean open and you all can choose who you want to play him.

Happy Reading!


I stepped out of the car letting my feet touch the crunchy gravel below. We had arrived at the tracks, or in other words, a large grassy field with abandoned roads running through them.

The scent of alcohol and weed carried through the air while music played out of a nearby car. Candace stepped out of the car dressed in some black sweats, grey uggs, and a grey fleece jacket. The other two girls, Jatia and Janiya, stepped out of their green camaro matching. They were Candace's cousins.The races had just started and people were gathered at the finish and starting lines.

I scanned the area by the starting line to see if I could find the familiar brown eyed boy. And there he was in his same spot. We headed over to Antonio's car making our way through the 100+ crowd. These events weren't large but they did attract quite a few people. Candace leaped into Antonio arms catching him off guard.

"Hey best friend!" She exclaimed showering him in kisses. I just laughed while going to sit in on the back to watch the race. Antonio had a nice black hummer and it smelled really good too.

"I want a drink." I heard Jatia say and Janiya agreed before they both went off in search of a cooler.I watched them walk away shaking my head. They ain't slick. I knew they were looking for somebody to hook up with in the bathroom.

"So you can't speak now?" Antonio  nudged me with a smirk.

"Hey little boy." I said with a smile.

"Hey little girl." He said poking me. Travis was fun to be around and always made you smile. Seeing him was like getting with your favorite cousin at thanksgiving.

"So, I heard you were single Candace." Antonio started slowly. I already knew what he was getting at.This boy.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Why?" She asked still watching the race. We were on the second race now.

"Nothing, I just needed confirmation." He stated nonchalantly. I was watching the race while listening to their conversation. The crowd was cheering as the racers neared the finish line.

"Mhm, well you already know I'm not going on a date with you. You saw what happened last time." She stated giving him a pointed look. I rolled my eyes mentally. She was still on this. The last time they dated, Antonio's ex kept showing up to try to break them apart. They had broke up and just became friends after that but here she was still talking about it.

"Ight lil shawty. Calm down." Antonio shrugged. Candace punched him before they moved off that topic.

Cheers broke out as the second race finished with a red cooper coming in second. I stood and headed in the direction of the makeshift bar.

"Hey guys, I'm going to get a drink." I said to Tony and Candace before walking off.

When I go to the car, I searched for a bottle of water or sprite in the makeshift bar in the trunk. I opened the sofa and let the carbonated drink sizzle on my tongue as I sipped at it.

I wanted to finish watching the races before I headed back over to the car so I stood along the edges of the race.

Suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared before me stinging my eyes and  causing me to cough and gag.

Couldn't they go somewhere else? All of this free space and they chose right here  to get lit. I thought this  to myself as I had a coughing fit. Just rude

"My bad, I didn't see you there." I heard a deep voice from beside me say. I turned to glare at the culprit who I had to tilt my head at.

He had to be about 6'5 with tattoos on his neck that ran underneath the collar of  his leather jacket. He smelt of smoke, which was no surprise and had a concerned look on his pierced face. His whole appearance screamed cliché rebel.

"Maybe you should try looking next time." I said with sass and annoyance  in my voice.

He blew out another cloud of smoke."Or maybe you should grow a little." He said amused.

I squinted my eyes at him."Or maybe you should be considerate of your surroundings."

"Or you could just move." He said peering down at my 5'7 stature.

"Or you could stop smoking. It's bad for your health." I added with a slight smirk.

"If I had a dollar for every time I heard that one..." He muttered under his breath.

"Then perhaps you could buy yourself a new set of lungs." I shrugged then let out a short laugh. I was always laughing at my own jokes.

The guy stopped midway of puffing the cigarette  and just stared at me. I stared back.

Then he started to chuckle which turned into a full deep throat laugh. I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound nice despite his tar covered insides.

A few minutes passed before he had finally caught his breath and stood back straight again.

"You're funny kid. What's your name?" He stated turning towards me.

"Chocolate drop. World class stripper and hoe. Check my stats." I joked.

We both shared a laugh at that one.

"No but seriously, What is it?" He asked once again.

"Hmm. I'll tell you if you put out the cigarette." I said with a tilt of my head.

After a few seconds of hesitation he agreed."Fine."He puffed the cancer stick once more then smashed it under his boot.

With satisfaction, I said "The name is Ciara."

"Ciara." He repeated with a nod of his head.

"And yours?" I asked with curiosity.

He ruffled his ombre brown and blonde hair in thought."Call me...Ink."

I raised my eyebrows at that."Ink?"

"Yeah, it fits, right?" He questioned before pulling back his sleeves to reveal a full sleeve of tattoos.

"Yeah, it does." I agreed."Ink it is." I had wanted to ask why he didn't want to be called his real name, but it was none of mt business. Honestly who would name their kid ink?

Ha that pun.

I checked my phone for the time and decided to meet back up with Candace so we could leave.

"Well, Ink, I have to go now but nice meeting ya." I said to him as I began to leave.

"Alright, chocolate drop." He smirked using the name from earlier.

I chuckled before stalking off to find Candace.


Here's the update And I hope you all enjoyed It!

I'm not a perfect writer of course, so bear with me in the grammar mistakes or plot holes. I'm trying. But the story will get better and hopefully more enjoyable.


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