Chapter 1

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Picture of Ciara above


"Ciara, come and wash these dishes!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

"Yes ma'am!" I replied instantly. I was writing an essay for my literature class and got so caught up, I forgot about the dishes. I shuffled downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom had just got done eating.

I grunted at the sight of all the dirty pots and pans I had to scrub. I didn't mind the regular dishes but pots and pans were another story. You can break nails messing around with those.

"And don't leave those pans sitting there for the 3rd night in a row either."She said giving me a pointed look.

"Ok I'll try." I stated with a smirk then immediately laughed at the look she gave me.

I ran the water and mindlessly loaded the dishes in while thinking.

Though I was 20 and in college, I stayed with my parents. Disappointing, I know. But I was saving up for an apartment. I attended a community college and it's a really nice place. I have small classes and time to work and get an education. However I knew that education came first so that's what I focused on.

After 30 minutes of scrubbing the pots spotless, I finished up the kitchen and headed on to bed. I saved my work and yawned as the tiredness began to set in. I had work in the morning and needed to be well rested.

After putting on my nightclothes and wrapping my hair, I played on my phone for a while before powering it off.

I daydreamed until my mind got too sleepy to stay awake.


Hey everyone!

Short chapter, yea, but better and longer ones will be coming!

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