30. I'm Done Running

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When we pull out of the kiss, we're both smiling like crazy. I pull out my phone and notice that it's already 5:00. "I'd better get home before Susan murders me," I say to Percy. He nods, looking slightly disappointed. I start to walk away, before turning back and hugging him tight. "Thank you for everything," I whisper, my voice barely audible. I pull away and walk down the path through Central Park, however as I walk away I can feel his eyes on my back watching me until I'm to far away to see.
I sigh when I open the door. The house is quiet, which probably means that no one's home. There's a note on the fridge to me from Susan, yelling at me for not finishing my chores probably, but I just crumple it up and throw it in the trash where it belongs. The stairs creak as I walk up to my bedroom and lie on my bed. A small smile playing on my lips, but the worry that everything my might got hell in my heart.
The next day at school I try my best to avoid Percy, and he seems to be avoiding me. However every time we were in the same room, I'd catch him glancing at me or I'd find myself watching him (not in a creepy way). For example when we were in history, I caught him looking at him. I mouthed the words "I caught you" to him and he gave me a small smile before looking away.
The rest of the day went on much like this. Until the last bell rang, indicating school was over.

Piper, Hazel, and I walk towards the parking lot. Piper talks about an annoying kid in one of her classes. Hazel listens to Piper rant on, but I'm only half listening. Percy stands by a tree off to the left of the parking lot. He seems to be having a conversation with Frank. I smirk as he waves his hands around while he talks. I glance at Piper quick before turning my head back to Percy. Except he's no longer talking to Frank, no, now he's staring right at me.
"Hey Annabeth!" He waves me over. I smile and walk towards him. Behind me I hear Piper stops talking, and both her and Hazel follow me.
"Hi," I say quietly once we reach the tree. "Will you go out with me?" Percy asks, a nervous smile on his face. I pause for a moment before answering. "I'll think about it," I say with a smirk. Behind me I hear Piper gasp and Hazel giggle. "But please, I promise-wait what?" I laugh. "I said I'll think about it."
"So that's a yes?" Percy asks a boyish smile on his face. "Maybe," I say before turning and walking away. I hear Percy cheer and high five Frank as I get in my car.
Once I get home, I run upstairs to my room. There's a note taped to my door from Susan, ordering me to clean out my closet. I sigh, and start to pull things out.
I reach up to the top shelf to pull out my books when I notice a silver box that I've never seen before sitting in the corner. The box is about the size of a mailbox. Curious, I open it and discover two envelopes. Slowly I tear open the first, and gasp when I find that it's full of cash. The label one the side of the envelope reads, "University Funds."
The second envelope however contains only a single sheet of paper. Curiosity floods my veins as I read the words written in small neat writing;

Dear Annabeth,

I know you're not old enough to read or understand this yet but I hope someday your father will read it to you. I understand you might be angry with me, but before you throw this letter away in disgust, just give me a chance to explain. I loved you and your father very very much. Too much. But I thought it would be better if I weren't around. I thought your life would be better. I was wrong. I'm so so sorry. I understand if you'll never forgive me. But just know I love you very very much. And Annabeth? If you ever find a love that makes you feel like you're heart is going to burst, chase after it. Go for it. Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
P.S. Here's some money for University, I hope it's enough.

I read the letter, twice, three times, ten times, over. I cannot get enough of my mother's words. At top of the letter there's a date. It's one year before my dad died. Tears soak my cheeks as I read the letter again. "I forgive you," I whisper. I forgive her and I wish she was here. I read her letter again. I read what she's says about chasing love, and a picture of Percy flashes through my mind. Quickly, I fold the letter and shove it and and envelope full of cash into my dresser. I wipe my eyes quickly and race put the door to my car.

When I reach Percy's house, I take a deep breath before knocking. I smile when Sally opens the door. "Annabeth!" She exclaims cheerfully. "I'll get Percy," she says before ushering me into the house and heading down the hallway. I smile again when Percy emerges from the hallway. He smiles at me and greets me with a simple "hey."
"Hey," I reply back. "So what are you doing here?" He asks politely. "I've got an answer to your question," I say quietly. Percy raises his eyebrows. "Yes!" I say with a smile. Percy smiles a smile so big it takes up practically his whole face. I laugh as he picks me up and spins me around. When my feet touch the ground again, I look him in the eye for a moment before pressing my lips softly to his. He kisses instantly, and I think I feel my heart melt. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" He asks when we pull apart. "I'd love to," I say with a smile. Percy laughs, keeping his arm wrapped around me as we join Sally in the kitchen. Sally's over joyed with all the good news. Percy kisses my head as we listen to her rant about how much she loves having me over. And for the first time in a long time, I don't have to run, because where I am is perfect.


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