10. Jason and Piper Sitting In a Tree

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Piper dropped me off at the café just in time. As in I had just thrown my work clothes back on and hopped behind the register when Susan sashayed through the door.
"Still here?" She asks, eyebrows raised. It takes all my willpower not to tell her about how I snuck off to the mall just to tick her off. "Yes ma'am," I say with a sly smile that causes her to glare at me. If only she knew......
The next day goes by so fast, that I'm shocked when the school bell rings, indicating that school's over. I gather my books and walk out of the class but stop at a scene that makes my blood turn cold. Just down the hall  Stephanie leans  against a locker in her hot pink crop top and too tight skinny jeans. But that's not what makes me stop abruptly in the middle of the hallway. It's the person she's talking to....it's Percy.

I walk slowly towards them, trying to stay out of sight. Unfortunately, as I walk by Stephanie catches my eye and gives me an evil smirk. I think about slapping her or yelling at her but instead I just smile sweetly back. 'Just you wait. I'm gonna make your life living hell,' I think as continue down the hall, a plan for revenge already forming in my mind.

After school Piper, Hazel, and I all go over to my house to get ready for the dance. Susan is working late tonight...or so she says, so we don't have to worry about her. However her shift ends at 12:00. So I've got to be back by at least then, which shouldn't be a problem. As for my "replacement babysitter," Piper's cousin Lacey offered to take one for the team.
       "Thank you," I say as I thank Lacey for the millionth time. "Hold still!" Piper scolds me.  "Are you almost done?" I whine as Piper does my hair. "Vola!" She finally shouts and turns me around to look in the mirror. I gasp. My blonde curls are done up in a gorgeous waterfall style. My eyes, however are what really stand out. Piper has lightly done my eyes with a silvery eyeliner and bluish-gray eye shadow causing them to turn a dark, storm-cloud gray. "Do you like it?" She asks, knowingly. "Are you kidding? I love it!" I exclaim and Piper smiles.
Piper and Hazel look just as stunning.

Hazel, with her dark curls pinned up, in her floor length purple dress, with black flats and a deep purple mask.
Then there's Piper. With her black high low dress, strappy silver heels, loose braided hair, and sparkling black mask, well let's just say she's a knockout.

Just as I'm slipping on a pair of navy blue converse (because I absolutely refuse to wear heels) the door bell rings. Piper quickly swings it open, revealing a hot-looking Jason with a black mask that matches Piper's pushed up on top of his head. "Jason? I thought you were driving us all Pipes?" I say, confusion filling my mind. Piper blushes. "Well I was, but then Jason kinda asked me to go the dance with him so I  said yes, but only if he'd drive all of us," she finishes, her cheeks bright red and her eyes seemingly interested in her shoes. Hazel looks at me with a cheeky smile and we both burst out laughing. Jason and Piper stare at us like we're nuts but their probably right.

Once Hazel and I have caught our breath, the four of us walk out to Jason's red BMW. As I sit in the back seat, I slip on the dark blue lace mask that Julie gave me when I told her about the dance. The entire ride, Hazel sings "Jason and Piper sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage! Then comes Leo in the baby carriage!"
By the time we've reached the school, Piper looks like she ready to kill Hazel. "SHUT UP HAZEL!" Piper yells. "Okay," Hazel says in a squeaky voice. We all laugh as we enter the school.

It wasn't long after we arrived, that Jason and Piper went off on their own, leaving Hazel and I alone. We were in the middle of a conversation about Hazel's recent trip to Alaska, when Frank, Hazel's friend and crush, approaches us. "Um Hazel?" He says shyly. "Could I talk to you for a sec?" He asks, staring at his shoes. "Um sure," Hazel replied and gave me an apologetic look. I just smile and gesture for her to go. "Are you sure?" She asks, her voice pure with concern. "I'm sure. Go have fun!" I encourage her. Hazel nods, but still looks at me wearily as she walks across the gym with Frank.
I wait until I'm sure she can't see me anymore, before letting out a sigh. Loneliness courses through me and I start to question ever coming to this dance. My stomach then growls, reminding me that I forgot to eat dinner. Crap.

Reluctantly, I force myself to stand up and walk towards the food table. I've just spotted Jason and Piper dancing in the far corner of the gym, when suddenly I find myself crashing towards the floor. "Are you okay?" A smooth voice asks and I feel someone pull me up. I nod, and try to shake the shock away that came with the fall. "Might wanna tie that shoe lace," the stranger comments and I look towards my shoes and realize that they're right. I tripped over my shoelace. 'Wow, nice going Annabeth' I'm about to thank the stranger when someone bumps my shoulder and I almost fall again but the stranger catches me and helps me towards a chair.
"Thanks," I say as I actually get a good look at the person for the first time. Standing before me, is a tall boy with messy black hair, a black suit with a blue tie and a blue mask that cause his sea green eyes to pop. Wait...sea green eyes.

The realization hits me like a slap in the face. Sea green eyes, messy black hair, tall and muscular figure. Has to be Percy.
"Here, you might want to sit down," Percy offers, leading me to a row of seat lined up along the gym wall. "Thanks....again," I say, gratefully. He nods and takes a seat next to me.
"So, converse and a dress," he says with a smirk. "I'm a big believer in weird fashion statements," I reply with a sly smile. Percy laughs, a loud, sweet laugh. I smile and bite my lip to hold back laughter. "Aren't you here with anyone?" I ask, then realize how rude it sounded. "I mean you're pretty popular, so I guess I expected you to have a date," I try to explain, with no progress. To my relief, Percy only laughs. I stare at him, confused. Eventually, he notices my confused state and stops laughing. "I'm sorry it's just...well I don't really know what it is, but your comment just sounded really funny," he explains, running a hand through his messy hair. Quite quickly my confusion is replaced with annoyance. I was about to scold him for laughing at me, when Percy's face flooded over with confusion. "Wait....you know who I am?" He asks, dread and curiosity filling his voice. "I think so...if I'm wrong don't hate me,"
"Percy?" I ask with a smirk. Just from his expression I can tell I'm right. "I'm right aren't I?" I question even though I already know the answer. Percy nods. "And you are?" He asks questionably. "Can't tell!" I exclaim, putting a finger to my lips. "Oh come on! That's no fair you know who I am," he protests. I only shake my head with a sly smile. "Please?"
"But that's not fair!"
"Well that's unfortunate,"
"Percy I said no!"
We go on like this for a while until finally he gives up...well sort of. "Well, can I at least try to guess who you are?" He asks. I think about it. I mean it's unlikely that he'll guess who I am, so I decide to risk it. "Alright. You have ten question to try to guess who I am and only 3 guesses, deal?" I offer. "Deal," Percy accepts. Oh, what a night this will be.....

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