14. Pick and Choose Your Fights Wisely

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As I started down the stairs, my tense body shook with nervousness. Carefully, I stepped into the living room. I let out a breath and sat down in the large armchair by the fireplace. It felt as though the moment I sat down in that chair, a wave of calm had washed over me. As if just sitting in it meant that everything would be okay. I heard a giggle and turned my head towards the archway. A little girl with curly blonde hair ran inside, and hid behind the coffee table. A few moments later a man walked in and pretended to search the room for the girl. She was the spitting image of him. Same hair. Same nose. Identical. Their eyes however were totally different.
I felt a disappointed ache as I realized that this was only a dream. A memory from when I was about 6 years old.
Suddenly the girl was gone and the man walked towards me. Tears filled my eyes as I flung myself into his open arms. "I miss you Daddy," I mumbled into his shoulder. He smelled like old books and lumber. As if I weighed nothing, he picked me up and carried back over to the chair where I sat on his knee as he stroked my hair. "I'm so proud of you Annie," he said with a smile.

I woke up not moment later to the pitter patter of rain of the window. No Susan. No alarm clock. Just rain. What's with the weird weather changes? A blizzard yesterday and a rain storm today? Mother Earth what are you thinking?!
However, as I turned my head to look at the window I realized that my pillow was wet. I must've been crying in my sleep. Despite this, I smiled as I thought back to the peaceful dream. Dreams about my dad certainly weren't a rare thing, however it was pretty rare for them to be happy.
Feeling refreshed I stretched and ran to take a quick shower before cooking breakfast.

By the time I walked through the school doors, I was pretty much soaked. I kinda regretted deciding to walk to school, but not really. Luckily, I was smart enough to pack a pair of dry clothes. Quickly, I ran to the girls change room and changed into my black and white stripped t-shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans. I wrung out my wet hair but other than that, there was really no way to dry it. Oh well.

I'd just reached my locker when I heard someone talking behind me. "OMG look at her hair!" "I know right! She's a mess!" It's fine, don't let them get to you. "Can they really allow her to come to school dressed like that!" Don't turn around. "She's such a nerd!" Do NOT turn around "Loser!" That's it. "Shut up!" I exclaim, anger coursing through me. Behind me stands Stephanie and her group of cheerleading barbies. Oh yay, lucky me! *sarcasm*

"What do you want Stephanie?" I ask annoyed. "Oh nothing! Certainly not your hair thats for sure!" She replies and I just turn away. "It's no wonder both your parents left, I would too if I had such an ugly kid," Stephanie taunts and taunts and I feel my fists clench. "Oh what's a matter? Don't like talking about mommy and daddy?" She pokes and I spin around quickly and push her to the ground. In two seconds flat, Stephanie's back on her feet. She places her hands on her hips and opens her fat mouth to taunt me. That's it. I've had enough of this. I'm done. That spoiled,rich,fake Barbie doll, brat, pain in the rear end is so going to get it. However just before I can slap her, someone grabs me from behind and carries me off down the hall and into one of the empty classrooms.

I turn and find Percy smiling like an idiot. "Why the hell did you do that?" I demand, furiously. "So that you wouldn't get suspended," he says calmly. "I was fine," I mutter. "I know." I let out a breath of air. "So why'd you do it?" I ask again. "Because Annabeth you're the type of person who does things without thinking," he says. What? I stand frozen too angry and confused to speak or move. "Your welcome by the way," Percy adds with a smirk. I glare at him. He's probably right, but there's no way in hell that I'll tell him that. "Can I give you some advice?" He asks suddenly. I shrug. "Pick and choose your fights wisely," he says with a wink before exiting the class, leaving me entirely speechless.
After school, I decide to sit on one of the benches in front of the school and read. Unfortunately it was still raining so I had to hold an umbrella in one hand and my book in the other. 'Oh well, at least it's quiet' I think with a sigh.
Then I hear the crunch of footsteps as someone sits down beside me on the bench. So much for the peace and quiet.
Out the corner of my eye I watch as Percy prepares to scare me. "Hello Percy," I say, pretending to be annoyed. "How'd you know it was me?" He exclaims in a whiny voice. I suppress a laugh. "Let's call it a superpower," I reply with a grin. Percy shrugs and I decide to go back to reading. He leans over my shoulder to see what I'm reading. I turn my head to face him, our faces uncomfortably close. "Hi," he says and I throw my hands into the air in exasperation. My umbrella lands in a puddle so I grab it and tuck my book inside my coat. Then I turn and look at Percy. "Are you hear for a reason or do you just aim to annoy me?" I ask, crossing my arms. Percy looks confused. Then a look of pure mischief takes over his expression and he stands up. Percy is only a few inches taller than me so I don't have to look up at him, but we're not the same height. I raise my eyebrows at him as he crosses his arms and looks as if he's trying to copy my expression. I suppress a laugh but fail miserably. Percy smirks and then sits back down. I notice that I'm starting to get soaked as the rain picks up and open my umbrella. Percy slides over to sit underneath it, causing me to roll my eyes. "To answer your question," he starts a sly look on his face, "we have a history project to work on!" I nod as I begin to remember our conversation yesterday. "Right. We do." I comment." Percy smiles. "You can come over to my house if you'd like and we can work on it there," he offers politely. I nod. "Probably better than working in the rain," I joke. "Probably," he says, a serious expression on his face. I smile. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.

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