4. Can't I Kill Her Just A Little Bit?

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Eventually, I pulled myself together and cleaned myself up. In others words I washed my face and told myself to suck it up. 'Don't let her get to you,' I reminded myself. But standing up to Stephanie had become one thousand times harder after my dad died. I still did my best to brush it off, but this was the first time that Stephanie had found something she could wound me with. My father.

I walked towards one of the benches in the school garden. I needed some time to clear my head. Lucky for me, it was my free period so I had some time to "recover." And by recover I mean sit and read my book.
I literally just opened "Paper Towns" when suddenly three people approached me. At first I thought it was Stephanie and her gang of evil, she demons but then I looked up and saw that it was just my friends.
"Hey, what happened to you?" Hazel asked sitting down next me. Piper plopped down on the ground, not seeming to care about the snow. "Oh nothing" I replied. Piper shook her head with a sigh. "Your lying. We know it wasn't nothing because, a)Stephanie returned to the cafeteria with the world's most evil smirk on her face and, b) You were no where to be seen." I opened my mouth to say something but Hazel cut me off. "And don't you dare say that you were in the library because you weren't. We know. We checked." She said, covering my mouth with her hand. Dammit! So close!

"Ok fine, maybe something did happen," I admit quietly. Both of my friends look at me with concerned expressions.

I proceeded to tell them everything that happened with Stephanie. I sighed as I finished, and ran my hand through my blonde curls.

"OMG Annie, I'm so sorry," Hazel said, a look of sympathy on her face. Piper's reaction, however, was the best. She looked like she wanted to full out rage. "Where-is-she?! I will kill her!" Piper said, her expression completely serious. "Piper!" Hazel scolded. "What?" Piper asked, suddenly very confused. "No killing! God how many times do I have to tell you!?!" Piper looked at Hazel and began to pout. "Can't I kill her just a little bit?!" She pleaded, sticking out her lower lip. "NO." Hazel replied firmly. Her arms were now crossed tight. Next to me Piper mouthed, 'Uh-oh. Hazel means business!'
I nod and laugh in response. Hazel opened her mouth. Probably to protest or scold Piper but never got the chance to say anything because she was interrupted by Piper pointing towards the East side of the courtyard. "Is that him?" She asked, her eyebrows raised. I turn to look where she's pointing, and nod when I see Percy leaning against a tree talking to Jason, a popular boy at our school. "Dam Annie! He is HOT," Piper said and hit my arm playfully. I just roll my eyes and laugh. "Anyway, so Annie, our school is throwing a semi formal Masquerade ball soon and I expect you to be there," Piper says with a wink. I stop laughing.
"Absolutely not," I say, with a shake of my head. I refuse to go to any more dances. Something bad always happens. "Please Annie! The rest of us are going!" Hazel pleads like a little girl. "Yeah! Plus it's our Senior year! Enjoy it!"
"Ugh fine." I told them, and I watched as Piper's face light up. "I'll go. But do NOT call me Annie!" I reply, crossing my arms in frustration. "Ok Annie," both of them say at the same time. I roll my eyes.
Just then bell rings and we walk back towards the school. As I walk back into the school I glance over to where Percy was still standing. Our eyes met, but we both looked away quickly. "C'mon Annabeth! We'll be late for class," Piper shouts in my direction, breaking my trance. I jog to catch up to her. 'Stay away from him' Stephanie's words played over and over in my mind as I made my way to my next class.

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