27. The Spawn Of Satan That Calls Herself A Girl

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By the time Monday had rolled around everyone knew about the death of Hazel's mom. It's funny how quickly gossip spreads. However it was also this one particular Monday, that everything changed, for better or worse.

The bell indicating the end of second period had just rung and I was on my way to my locker. Unfortunately, that meant passing Emily's locker. As I walked past, I noticed all the popular girls, including Stephanie, crowded around Emily's locker. I tried to stay out of sight, however one of the girls saw me called out. I cursed under my breath and kept walking. "Oh look it's the world's biggest loser!" Emily called. Some of the girls snickered. "Like is she's such a nerd, how did she ever think about having a chance with Percy? He's far too good for her. Like she has like no life. I bet she'll work at that café for the rest of her life. She's so ugly, like put on some makeup to cover up your ugly face, maybe then she'd have some friends."
"It's no wonder her parents both left her, they were probably so embarrassed it killed them."
"I mean who wants a reject as a daughter?" More laughs.
I could feel my face heating up and my fists clenching. "I bet you her parents aren't even dead, as probably just made that up to get attention." That was it. That was the final straw. I blinked back tears and spun on my heel. "How dare you accuse me of lying about my parents? And if anyone in this goddam school has lied to get attention, it's you. You went from a good girl to a jerk. Everything that comes out of your mouth is pure crap. You think being cool, will get you anywhere? Cuz honey I promise you that it won't do a dam thing for you in the future. So what I don't look like a clown on steroids? So what I don't have as many friends or as much money as you? You think that makes you better than me? Well you know what screw you! Because I may not be popular like you but at least I've got a freaking chance at a future. Also you don't deserve Percy. He's sweet and kind and hot and you're just a low life ass with too much makeup," I shouted, turning on my heel and running away.

I ran to the courtyard, and collapsed on a bench, hugging my knees. How dare she accuse me of lying about my parents?! A tear slipped down my cheek and I cursed myself for crying. Emily's words stung, but they mostly just pissed me off. I'm so done with that spawn of Satan that calls herself a girl.

"Annabeth?" A voice asks, and I look over to see Percy approaching me. Quickly, I wiped my eyes and threw on a fake smile. "What happened?" He asks. "What do you mean?" I ask innocently. "Don't even try to play dumb. And drop the fake smile. What happened?"
I stop smiling. "Dammit! You know me too well!" I claim with a sigh. Percy laughs then asks what happened and tells me to stop avoiding the question. And so I tell him. I tell him everything, not sugar-coating anything. He deserves to know exactly what he's dating. And no, I don't mean who, I mean what.
When I finish,Percy curses. He looks ticked. His eyes are hard, and his fists are clenched. Then he look at me and his face softens. I gasp as suddenly his arms are around me, hugging me tight. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah...I'm okay," I say, my voice muffled in his t-shirt. He lets me go and puts his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry. I should've known that she wasn't right. I should've ended it the moment she changed," he says quietly. I can't tell if it's directed to me or himself. Hesitantly, I place a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. You couldn't have known that he was going to become so different. You probably hoped she change back, and no one can blame you for that." I reply, and Percy sits up. He shoots me a sad smile before standing up. "I've got to do deal with somethings....wanna meet at the library at the end of the day?" He asks, running a hand through his hair as if he's nervous. "Yeah, sure," I reply, with a small smile. He nods and walks away. As Percy walks away, I notice how I can still feel the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

A/N: Credit to @cArlisFAngiLing for giving me the idea for this chapter

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