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Someone slightly shook me out of my sleep. I quickly sat up seeing everyone gathering their stuff to leave.

"What I miss?" I wiped the sleep out my eyes, looking up at Morgan.

"What I miss?" I wiped the sleep out my eyes, looking up at Morgan

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"Everything, but I'll let you copy my notes."

"What would I do without you, Morg?" I nudged her as we walked out of the building.

"Fail miserably. You should really start getting more sleep."

I ran my hand down my face, sighing in frustration.

"I know, but between conditioning for basketball and assignments, I don't have time for sleep."

"You tried coffee?" She inquired, looking at me.

"Caffeine slows me down on the court." I told her.

She shook her head, "You and Gabe are going to play yourself into exhaustion."

Gabriel is her boyfriend that's the football team's running back. They've been together since freshman year of high school. He talks about marrying her when they graduate college.

"I'll get some sleep next month during Thanksgiving break. Those three days are going to be heaven." I joked.

"Is that my little Morggie bear?" We heard Gabe say from across the small field.

Her eyes lit up, "Gabyyyy!" She took off running towards him like a child.

"Ugh, I'm getting sick of them." I mumbled to myself as I continued on to my dorm.

I got to the door and Lazarus was pushing a girl out. It was the same girl from the library. I just walked in, minding my own business.

"So you gonna call me later?" She asked, with hope evident in her voice.

"Nope." He slammed the door in her face and jumped on his made bed. He doesn't fuck girls on his bed, he does it on the floor. I wish I thought of that a long time ago. "You goin' ta' tha' frat party tonight?"

"No thanks. Alcohol, girls in tight clothing, and not having none in five months isn't a good combination." I chuckled.

"True, but it's gonna be fun. Ya' need a break every na' and then."

I thought about it for a second, "I guess I'll go."

If I don't drink then I'll less likely to fall into temptation.


Dear Reina,

Two months in here and I've found the courage to fi ally write to you. I know you're probably not going to read this letter, but at least I can say I've tried. My apology won't mean anything to you at this moment, I know. But I truly am sorry. I should've told you about my condition, but I was sure it was going to scare you away. I didn't want to lose you. Now I see that wasn't the best choice, given the fact that I ended up losing you in the end. Not only did I lose you, but I lost my brother as well. Even though what he did was a little fucked up, I still shouldn't have did what I've done to him. I sure hope you read this soon.


Dear Reina,

I see you haven't read my letter yet, given the fact that you haven't written back. I didn't expect you to. I'd be angry with me too. I am angry with myself. I'm a horrible person who doesn't deserve to get another chance ever again. But believe me when I tell you this, I wanted to get help. I've know something was wrong with me since I was ten years old. My dad was never around. He never showed up for any of my school events. He just didn't find me worthy enough as his son. One night I saw a cat and I killed it with a rock. I was so angry that I couldn't get my father to love me and the cat suffered. And the sick thing about it was that I enjoyed every minute I watched that cat die. No remorse, no guilt. That's when I knew something about me was off.


Dear Reina,

I'm still not expecting a letter back. But I still want to tell you the rest of my story. After I sat with my parents and told them what I had done to that cat, my father began to look at me different. And not the way I wanted him to. He looked at me with disgust. My mom held me close to her and said everything was going to be alright. But I knew it wasn't, something was wrong with me. She took me to a psychiatrist, and they told her how I was crazy and I could get sent away to a mental institution, if I were to stop taking the medication they prescribed to me that day. It scared my mom so she made sure I took it everyday. I took my medication everyday until I began dating Arielle. I was so in love with her. It was the love that I thought was missing all this time. The love I was yearning from my father. I wasn't faithful with her. Angel wasn't a one night thing. She was multiple nights. Arielle gave me chance after chance until she was completely fed up with it all. She broke up with me and by this time, I had already stopped taking my medication. So I kidnapped her from her home that night and tortured her in the basement for days. I wanted her to feel my emptiness and pain. She took away my happiness and I wanted to pay her back for it. I know I was wrong for it, but I can't take it back yet.


"Reinaaa." I heard Julie running up the stairs.

I quickly wiped the tears from my face and gathered up the letters. She ran in and jumped on my bed.

"Hey yo- what's wrong?" She looked down at the letters in my lap."You got a letter too?"

"More like four or five." I threw all the letters back into the box I had them stashed in.

"We all only got one."

"Then why is he sending me so many?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "But I do know that he wants us to visit when he's allowed visitation in a week. Right now he's only allowed to write letters."

"Are you going to visit?"

"Not now, I can't look at him yet." She said, rubbing her hands down her jeans.

Do I want to visit him? Should I?



What do you think of the letters Tyler sent Reina?

Why do you think he sent her more than one?

Should she visit him?

Excuse mistakes.

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now