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I honestly didn't know how to feel about hanging out with Demitri. He's treated me very badly since he found out my condition. But some people deserve a second chance. And I think Demitri deserves one.

"Reina, Demitri is here!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I told Tyler and he thought it was a good thing that Demitri was changing the way he acted towards me. I skipped down the stair seeing Hunter sizing him up.

"I don't like you." He told him.

"Why not?" Demitri chuckled.

"I don't need a reason, Dorthy."

"It's Demitri." He corrected him.

"I know." He turned around and looked at me. "Hi, mommy."

Demitri looked at me confused.

"You being bad?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, mommy."

Hunter likes no males around me. He loves Kylee and Braelynn, but he doesn't like Alex, Tyler, and now Demitri.

I kissed his forehead and left with Demitri.

"You have a son?" He asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"It's a l-long story." I said, not really wanting to get into that right now.

"You know, you look just like Arielle." He said out of nowhere.

"Who is that?"

He chuckled, "Tyler didn't tell you about her?"

"What?" I was really confused.

"He probably didn't, he doesn't talk about his ex much."

Tyler told me he was never in a serious relationship. He said I'm the first girlfriend he's ever had.

"Ex?" I looked up at him.

"Yeah, they dated for two years. That was until that situation happened." He frowned.

"W-what situation?" I was beginning to get more curious by the moment.

"I've already said too much."

"No, y-you haven't." I quickly said. I really wanted to know what the reason was that made Tyler feel like he had to lie.

"Just know that he isn't the prince charming you think he is."

"Isn't t-that y-your brother?" It's very strange of him to just be throwing him under the bus.

"He is, but you should know what you're up against."

"But y-you're not t-telling me." I pouted.

He poked my bottom lip making me giggle, "You're cute when you do that."

My cheeks began to heat up, "Shut up."

"You know, I'm really sorry about all that I've done to you."

"Why d-did y-you do it?" I asked.

"I liked you. I still do." He said truthfully.

"T-there's something called words." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"I've never expressed my feelings to a girl before." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

That still doesn't justify him treating me the way that he did. The idea of Tyler lying to me lingered in my mind. What is it that he's hiding?

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now