Shopping For The Ring

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I looked out the window as I saw (Y/N)'s car drive away.

She had just left for work today. This is the perfect time for me to go to find the ring. I think she's the one. She makes me smile and laugh like I never have before. I think I want to be with her forever.

I reach in my jean pocket and pull out my phone and call for a driver to take me to the shop to go meet with the jeweler.

Shortly, the black jeep rolled up in front of my house. I hurry and lock the door and jump in the car once I see the driver waiting for me in the front. I tell him the address and he hits the gas and drives us there.

Just before we arrive, I see paparazzi on the sidewalk, searching around for me. I cant let paparazzi find me. They could ruin the proposal. I quickly tell the driver to turn around and go to the back.

We arrive in the back and I shift my eyes from the left to the right, looking for if anyone was around and I see the coast is clear. I sigh slowly in relief. I get out the money sitting in the left pocket and pay the driver as I jump out the car, and walk to the door.

I walk in and head to the front of the store. The store had beige walls and rows of lit up displays, filled with all types of diamond rings. The windows are covered in golden, bronze curtains and the workers wearing black and white suits.

I walk over to one of the workers, and smile and say, "Hey, how are you?"

His face changes from normalcy to utter shock.

He stuttered while speaking, "Your H-Harry Styles. Oh my god. Your Harry Styles."

He walked up to me astonished, both of us shaking hands.

"Just call me Harry," I tell him.


He then said, "Cool. What may I help you with Harry?"

"I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend. "

"What type of ring may I ask?"

"Engagement ring." I say, smiling at the thought.

"What type of ring does she like?"

I had gotten (Y/N) rings as gifts before. But never something like this. My fingers are shaking from nervousness. I hope I choose something she'll like.

I think back to what the worker had asked me and tell him, "Most of the time she likes something with diamonds, something elegant and simple."

"Well, I'll see what we can do. "

He walks over to an assortment of rings and picks out a group of them. They all look similar in ways. Some had less carats then others. Some has square cut diamonds, some had rounder cut diamonds, but all were simple.

I scan over each and every ring and look back and forth between each ring and one catches my eye.

I scan over each and every ring and look back and forth between each ring and one catches my eye

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It was just how she would like it. I hope she'll love it.

"Does your girlfriend know about this at all?"

"No, It's gonna be a surprise." I tell him as I pick up the ring and move it closer to my eyes, to look at more.

"Well by that ring, I think she'll love it." He says reassuring me as he can probably tell by the nervousness in my eyes.

"Thanks, man.
I think this is the one."

I then hear my phone instantly start ringing. I dug it out of my pocket and I look to see it's my mom. I invited her because it's always nice to have another opinion in these things, I really don't wanna mess this up.

My mom, Anne walked through the door bouncing as she came up to me.

"Can I see the ring?!"

James hands me the ring and I turn around to show it to my mom. "Hear it is."
"Do you like it?"

Anne's mouth was wide open and she looked astonished while looking at the ring. She lifted her hands up to cover her mouth in awe. Tears started to build up in her eyes. You could tell she was so happy to see it.

She shorty set the ring back down on the display and went over to Harry and hugged him tightly. They both embraced each other, taking in the moment. She couldn't believe her son was getting married.

"I'm so proud of you! She says, wiping her tears off her face.

"You think she's gonna like it?" Harry asked her.


Harry and Anne both turned back to James.

"I think this is the one, James."

The worker claps his hands excitingly, telling me, "Great!"
He grabs the ring and heads over to the cash register.

He takes the bar code attached to the ring at the end and rings it up of the register.

I take out my debit card in my back pocket and hand it to James. I knew it was expensive but it's worth it if it means me and (Y/N) will be together for the rest of our lives.

He swipes it down on the side of the register, and then hands it back to me.

He takes the ring and gets a black velvety box and places the ring inside after taking the tag off. He hands it to me and says,
"Here you go, Harry. I bet she's gonna love it.

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

James puts the box in a small bad and hands it to me. Just before I walk out the door, my mom comes up to me and asks, "When are you going to propose? Just curious."

"I think I'm gonna do it at the concert on Friday. I think it'll be nice for her and for me but to also show all the fans how much I love her."

"Well, I can't wait!"
"Me too."

"I got to go before (Y/N) gets home, so I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too."

I kiss my mum on the cheek goodbye and then call a car and shortly, it arrives. I head out taking the back exit again to avoid the paps and get in the car.
After 10 minutes of getting home, the sound of the door opens and
(Y/N) walks in.

I run to the guest room and hide the ring in the drawer. She'll never look there. I then go and plop down on the couch, trying to act normal, as if I wasn't looking for a ring to propose to her ten minutes ago.

(Y\N) comes over and sits down and smiles at me. She takes her hand and grazes it over my hickory, chestnut hair admiring it's softness.

"I love you."

I slowly move in closer to her, kissing her slowly saying,

"I love you, too."

Author's Note: Thank you so so so much for reading my story! This is one of the first stories I've published on Wattpad and for this to do so well even if it is the smallest amount means the world to me!! I hope you continue reading and enjoy the rest of the parts as well.

Thanks once again!!

Love, snowflake2k15

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