Section 10A - Connections with Readers

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This is a long awaited chapter, suggested by @NinTenDoWeiDo (*sigh* I miss my Nintendo).

Anyway, this chapter is about characters authors force their readers to pity. This connection isn't built through time. Almost within the first chapter we are bombarded with so many overused starting negatives.

Side note, speaking of which, can we please stop the starter where the main character wakes up, gets ready and goes to school. Great.

Back to pity. In some of the biggest books, the connections we make with characters comes down to how they are portrayed and, by being allowed unrestricted access to their thoughts and feelings, we gain an attachment. Even feel like we can relate to the character. This is how we come to feel real emotions to a character and those around them.

Forcing events down the readers throats and expecting them to feel won't work. Just saying they're bullied, won't make your readers pity the character. Almost everyone gets bullied at one point in their lives. Its not the amount of violence that will draw readers in, its the openness and vulnerability of your character that will. I personally think that just listing awful things, creates a sort of fake pity around a character and more times than I would like to admit, this fake pity simply makes the main character stand out like a Mary-Sue, especially if the issue is only mentioned once.

Remember guys, if any of you awesome readers have anything you think I should add to chapter or even a chapter suggestion like @NinTenDoWeiDo please do let me know. I respond better via DM!

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