Unoffically Finished

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I say unofficially finished because I won't ever be marking this as completed. That makes it seem like there isn't anything left to add and I am always prepared to add another chapter if I get a suggestion for one.

Like always I want to thank everyone who has read this either as I've uploaded or after. And an extra thanks to those who voted for any or all chapters. You're awesome.

I don't expect people to use or apply every chapter I've written but I would like to think that you writers might consider a couple of points I've made. Honestly, if you make a character with pink hair that doesn't automatically mean they're a Mary-Sue. But if after reading this book, you might realise that many of these points are relevant to your character and want to use some of my tips to reduce their Mary-Sue-ness, that would be amazing and I've achieved my goal.

I'd love to hear your comments about this book. Favourite chapters or ones you found most helpful. I don't have any plans to write another guide but who knows? If you guys found this helpful and enjoyed it then I might just do that. Well, it's either a story guide or a blog about my very boring life.

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