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I looked over to Vikk, seeing him still asleep, after a few hours of editing his videos. I had gotten six done, which was only enough for two days. But two days was good enough of a break for him.

I sit up from the gaming chair he's had for a long while, rubbing my eyes slowly.

My eyes went back to Vikk's sleeping self, soft snores every once in a while. I smiled softly, and made my way to the barely opened door.

I swung it open, light shining into the somewhat dim room.

I swung around the rails from the stairs, jogging down the flight of stairs, going straight to the kitchen.

I glanced around the large kitchen, seeing only Simon, sitting on his phone while sipping on a redbull.

"Hey," I said simply, opening the fridge, a whiff of cold air hitting my face.

"Heyyyyy Jiidddeee," Simon says in a cheeky voice, giggling to himself.

"What man?" I asked, confused, before pulling out a coke.

"Hehe, you and Vikky." He said giggling a lot at the end. I shook my head, and rolled my eyes, slamming the fridge door shut.

"What about it?"

"You cuddlinnng," He deadpanned, smirking up at me, from the stool he was sat at.

"And?" I questioned, sitting across from him, raising an eyebrow.

"You're cute, you should date." Simon told me, taking a sip of the redbull. I shook my head once more, before saying, "No, I'm not gay. And not for Vikk."

"Ah but you're bi." Simon reminded me, winking and standing from his seating, throwing away the empty redbull in the trash can.

"We don't fucking talk about that, I was drunk." I growled, now just annoyed with Simon.
"Ah but you still admitted it. You could totally date Vikk. Me and Josh have a bet on him coming out as gay."Simon explained, now standing next to me, his hands placed on the counter.

"Ok whatever," And I rolled my eyes again, standing, and throwing away the half full Coke.

"Oh come on Jide! I'm only kidding!" Simon yelled, throwing his hands up, exasperated.

"Fuck off man," I yelled back, and left the kitchen without another word.

As I made my way up the steps, I noticed a sleepy Vikk standing at the top.
"Hi." He mumbled to me as soon as I reached the top of the steps.

"Hi Vikk." I grinned, at the small boy.
He didn't reply but instead wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tight.

My eyes widened in shock, glancing down at Vikk, feeling his hot breath on my chest. I slowly brought my arms around him as well.

We stayed like that for a while, at the stops of the steps, me, seeing Simon glance up from the bottom of the steps every once in a while with a smirk.

I ignored him, but finally pulled him away, but only a little so I could see his face.

"So why are you hugging me?" I asked, and he looked up at me with a smile on his face.

"This is my very special way of thanking you," He joked. "For what?" I chuckled at him.

"Getting me to sleep, and edit my videos. It means a lot." Vikk says quietly this time, a blush rising to his cheeks making my heart melt.

"Anytime Vikk. Anytime."

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