Nick finds the letter

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Nick finished his shift at the Bistro at 6pm and made his way back to Victoria Court where he had planned to make Carla a surprise meal. He began to prepare the food and that was when he saw the note that Carla had left for him on the work surface.

Why? Why did she not say anything to me? Why did she think that I would be better off without her? Why?
I need to find her before it's too late.

He ran frantically towards the entrance of Manchester Airport and was about to go inside but saw Carla sitting outside, crying like a child that had lost their mother. He was now stood in front of her but she didn't seem to acknowledge that he was there. "Carla..." She rose to her feet, wiping away the tears as she did so. She felt stupid for letting people see her crying; she could not let even her husband see her cry because when she was younger she was constantly told that it was wrong to cry and that it does nothing but makes you look weak. "Carla, I'm not going to stop you from going to LA."

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