Will she be okay?

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Nick sat by her bedside for a few hours, only leaving to go to the toilet and to get her a bottle of water from the vending machine for when she woke up.

He had only had about half an hours sleep because he was worrying too much, she looked so peaceful lying there, she never deserved any of this. Despite what she had done she was perfect to him.

The curtain opened and a nurse appeared as Carla began to wake up.
"So we did some tests and you are extremely lucky, both you and your baby are absolutely fine."
The couple glanced at each other equally surprised.
"How far gone is she?" Nick questioned.
"Oh I'm... I'm sorry I thought you already knew, Carla is now nearly four weeks pregnant."
They both let out a sigh of relief... It was definitely Nick's baby. The nurse left them to talk, closing the curtain behind her.

"I can't believe it, I'm actually pregnant with our child!" Carla said, she looked much happier than before so that made it even better for Nick, it was nice to see her smile.
"You're going to be a brilliant mum, I know it!"
They hugged, feeling stronger than ever before, because now they were having a child together, they could finally be a proper family like they had wanted.

Carla didn't have anyone by her side through her last pregnancy, Peter hadn't gone to the scans, he didn't even seem bothered, but now she had Nick and she knew that this would be different, she could trust him to always be by her side. Carla had a miscarriage when she was carrying Peter's baby and Erica had a miscarriage when she was pregnant with Nick's baby, now Nick and Carla were having a baby together, this would be perfect.

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