Nick being blackmailed

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"You're going to give me a 25% share in this business."
Nick just looked at him like he was stupid, which he was, why the hell would Nick give Robert a share of the Bistro! 
"You really should just give me a share in this place, you might live to regret it otherwise."
When Nick questioned him about why he would regret it, Robert found his phone from his pocket and began to do something on it. Nick was horrified when he realised what Robert was blackmailing him with, images of Carla, images that showed Carla thoughout the days including the day in the hotel... He had been following her every move.

Nick felt sick. What would he do? He wanted to protect his fiancé, it was his job after all. Carla needed protecting more than most people, she needed protecting from herself, she relied on him and he wanted to be the one that looked after her unlike in her other relationships where she had to be the strong one, she could now show weakness without being told it was wrong, she had always been weak deep down, she just knew that she couldn't show it, but with Nick she can.

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