Tracy the troublemaker

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What will happen when Tracy finds out that Robert shared a night of 'passion' with Carla?

(Robert talking) You know what Tracy? I don't care anymore more, if you must know then I was at a hotel about a month ago, the night you broke up with me. I got over you pretty quickly after me and Carla won big at the casino!"
Tracy was absolutely shocked by what he had just said... He had slept with someone else the night she ended it with him? She couldn't believe that she meant so little to him, not only did he share a bed with someone else but it was someone she knew, he slept with her worst enemy!

She felt someone else should suffer as well as her, she knew that Nick and Carla had a 'break' from their relationship last month but no one ever found out why... Whatever it was she never though it would be this, not even now she knew. She ran for the door, she knew that Robert would stop her if not. She headed in the direction of Victoria Court (the block of flats that Nick and Carla live in) as she knew that Nick usually worked from home on weekends.

She hammered on the door of Carla's apartment after someone let her into the building, Tracy had told them that she was Carla's sister and she wanted to surprise her. Nick opened the door and Tracy wasted no time at all before explaining what Robert had said but Nick didn't look even a bit surprised so instead she started yelling that Carla was a filthy cow that slept with anyone and reminded Nick of the fact she unknowingly married her own cousin and had a relationship with Liam as well.

Carla appeared from the bedroom in her black designer skinny jeans and her white blouse that was covered by her leather jacket, her and Nick were obviously about to go somewhere. "Ask her if you don't believe me!" Tracy screamed "You're fiancée is a cheat, sorry to be the bearer of bad news and all but it's the truth!"

Once again Tracy made comments about Nicks fiancée and he felt that he needed to defend her, he knew how pathetic Tracy was but he still got angry at her because the comments about Carla weren't true, she may have drunkenly shared a night with Robert but he still loved her and he knows just how low can get when she's tipped over the edge.
He punched Tracy and she screamed at him, her nose was bleeding but she wasn't as bothered about that, she couldn't believe that he had dared to touch her. "I don't know what you screamed for." Nick smirked "Say or do anything to Carla, EVER, and you'll get a lot worse than that!" He opened the door and pushed her outside, pulling his fiancée into a hug that she gratefully accepted, "Thank you" she told him.

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