Carla Shot

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Steph dialled 999 and asked for an ambulance and the police, once again Tracy Barlow had gone too far.

Carla was beginning to give in, the pain was getting unbearable, but she still managed to say "I love you Nicky Tilsley." The words that she thought would be her very last.
He kissed her forehead before saying "I love you too Carla Tilsley to be." He had tears streaming down his face but he didn't care, the woman he loved was dying right in front of him and he couldn't do anything to help her, all he could do was stay by her side.

Nick held Carla's hand and carried on talking to her until the ambulance finally arrived and Nick got into the back with her, he held her hand once again as they tried to keep her alive, he couldn't bear to see her like this.

When they got to the hospital Carla needed an operation to remove the bullet, Nick just sat down in the waiting room and finally he saw Carla being took to a room.

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