A Lovely Surprise

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You woke up at 8:32 am and went to make you some coffee. Richard wasn't home because he had a interview later for Hannibal later at 10:30. You looked in the fridge to see if you had bacon and syrup because you were craving bacon dipped in syrup.
You fried up the bacon and warmed up some syrup. Your house phone rings and the color I.D shows it's Richard and you smile. "Hello?", you asked. "Hey you.", he replies. You smile,"Who's this?" "Ally it's me.", he says, you can feel him smiling. "Me who?", you ask jokingly. He sighs,"You husband who loves you deeply... Richard." You smile,"Good morning love." "It isn't a good morning being I'm not looking at your beautiful face.", he says making you blush. "Oh Richard. I love you.", you say. "I love you too Ally.", he says. Then there's a comfortable silence which makes you smile. Then Richard breaks it,"I got to go hun. See you when I go home." "Okay see you later.", you say and hang up.
You finish the bacon and get the syrup out of the microwave. You sit at the table and eat it. You then finish and start washing the dishes. As you are washing the dishes you get a bad feeling in your stomach. Then you run into the bathroom and throw up. You then flush the toilet. "That's odd.", you say to yourself. You go back to washing dishes and decide to call your mom.
The phone rings two times and your mom answers,"Hello?" "Hi mom.", you say. "Oh hi Allyson! What's up?", she asks. "Oh I don't know. I just feel weird.", you say. "How?", she asks. "Well I've been having cravings and this morning I threw up my breakfast.", she says. You mom thinks then says,"When's the last time you had your time of the month?" You think,"Two months ago. Which is odd." Your mom gasps. "What is it mom?", you ask worried. "Ally you are must likely pregnant.", she says. Your mouth opens. "Honey I'll come over with a pregnancy test. I'll be 15 minutes.", she says.
~45 minutes later~
You put up the stick nerves to look at the answer. You look down to see. Two lines. You're pregnant!
You went into the living room and look at your mom. "Well?", she asks. You smile,"Mom I'm pregnant!" She squeals and gives up a hug. "I'm going to be a grandma!", she says. You smile. "Well I'm going to leave so you can think of away to tell Richard.", she says. "Okay see you later mom.", you say and gave her a hug goodbye.
You put on the television to watch Richards interview, thinking of ways to tell him. Then you thought just to come out and tell him that you're pregnant. The interview finishes and you sit there and wait until Richard comes home. 
~30 minutes later~
You sit there and watch some home renovating shows.  Richard walks through the door and comes and sits next to you. You look to him and smile. "Hello there.", you say. He smiles,"Hello there." You give him a passionate kiss. He smiles as you break away. "What was that for?", he asks. "I've got a surprise.", you state. He turns completely towards you. "And it is?", he asks.
You breathe and take his hands and put them on your stomach. "Richard I'm pregnant.", you say slowly. He first had a shocked expression on his face, then he had a huge smile on his face. He pulls you into a bone crushing hug. "Oh Ally this is the best news I've heard!", he says. You smile and hug him back. He pulls back,"How far along are you?" "I'm about 2-3 months pregnant.", you say. He smiles and kisses you. "I love you.", he says. "I love you too.", you reply.
Then you two called everybody to let them know you're pregnant. And they were happy for you both.
And you two were going to have a little family.

Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakensheild)Where stories live. Discover now