Mornings With Jillinyan

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The next day, Jillinyan had woken up super early. While she was scrambling around, she ended up waking Willo by stepping on her tail. "Watch where you're going, would you!?" Willo shouted.

"Well sorry. Trying to move around in a room that is crowded by Yo-kai is hard enough, but trying to navigate the room in the dark is even harder!" Jillinyan hissed.

"What are you doing up this early in the morning then?" Willo questioned.

"It's the first day of school of course! I've never gone to school in this era. Is it exciting, or is it dull?" Jillinyan wondered.

All of the noise had woken Nate. "What's all the racket for?" He mumbled sleepily. He looked over at the clock. "What the..... It's five in the morning! I usually wake up around seven-thirty!"

Jillinyan just shrugged. "It's better being early than late."

"Yes, but it's also nice getting some sleep." Nate pointed out.

Jillinyan couldn't think of any other excuse to say why she was awake so early, so she tried to be a little quieter. The key word was 'tried'. She ended up making even more noise than she did before. Nate just groaned and covered his head with his pillow.

"You are officially a jerk-cat." Willo pointed out before she tried to fall back asleep.

"Wasn't I always a jerk-cat?" Jillinyan pondered as she continued to get ready.


Seven-thirty soon came and with that, a grumpy Willo. "You really are a jerk-cat." She muttered.

Jillinyan shrugged. "I tried to be quiet. Can't you give me some credit?"

"You don't deserve any credit." Whisper said to Jillinyan before Willo could say anything.

"If I don't deserve any credit, why do you get credit? You're even more useless than a lifeguard at the Olympics." Jillinyan yawned. You could see the steam rising out of Whisper's non-existent ears, but Nate interrupted before Whisper could say anything rude.

"If you guys keep arguing, you're going to be late for school." Nate pointed out with a sigh. If things kept going like this, he was never going to get peace. Maybe I should go get another Yo-kai from the Crank-a-kai.... I might be able to get a really useful Yo-kai who doesn't want to rent my room.

Nate shook his head furiously. He didn't have time for this. He had to make sure he actually got to school on time! With that as his top priority, he went downstairs and ate breakfast.

Not even a minute later, Jillinyan started whining. "I'm bored.... Why aren't we allowed to go downstairs right now?"

"If I remember correctly, you caused a lot of trouble last time you went down in the morning." Willo stated with her arms crossed.

"Ummm....." Jillinyan tried to think of an excuse. Suddenly she smiled. "I'm not allowed to go downstairs right?"

"Oh dear, what do you have planned. Actually, don't tell me. I'm scared to know." Willo muttered.

Jillinyan either didn't hear Willo or just ignored her. "I was never told I couldn't go outside."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Whisper asked in a bored tone.

Jillinyan walked over to a window. "There is a window." And with that, she opened it and jumped out. However, luck was not on her side. She ended up falling flat on her face. "Ouch...." She stood up and waved at everyone in Nate's room. "I'm perfectly fine!"

Jibanyan peered down. "If a bloody face is perfectly fine," the red cat Yo-kai muttered.

Jillinyan soon started to look panicked. "Ahhh! The leaf! It's gone! It can't be gone! I put it right here!"

Willo giggled. "That's what you get for stepping on my tail first thing this morning. Besides, it was just so tempting."

Whisper looked out the window for any passing Yo-kai. Jibanyan stole a glance at Whisper. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know what you're thinking! I don't see Espy crossing the street!" Whisper yelled at Jibanyan.

Jillinyan was having a glaring contest with Willo the entire time. She finally turned around with a growl. Willo smirked in triumph, but what she didn't know was that Jillinyan had a cheeky grin etched on her face. "Somehow I don't think Jillinyan lost. She's planning something." Jibanyan whispered to Whisper.

"I feel the same way...." Whisper sighed. Then he realized what he had just done. "I agreed with you?!"

Jibanyan was in shock as well. He agreed with me?! Jibanyan was gaping in surprisement.

While the two male yo-kai were silent in shock, Jillinyan finally spoke up. "Well, if you insist on not giving me the leaf, I'll just wreak havoc on the school, and since humans can't see me, I can't be blamed." She finished with a shrug.

Willo thought for a moment. If she gave in, that would mean she would lose, but if she didn't the entire school would be destroyed. "Fine, but you can't eat any sushi for a week."

Jillinyan's jaw dropped. She hadn't been expecting that. She really didn't want to wreak havoc on the school because that would mean she couldn't go to school until it was completely cleaned up. She finally let out a sigh. "Three days."

"Five days." Willo bargained.

"Four days." Jillinyan argued.

"Five days, and that is my final offer." Willo stated with a smirk dancing on her lips.

Jillinyan glared at the smirk. Willo's smirk was on equal grounds as the Cheshire Cat's full blown smile. "Fine, but let me ask you one thing."

"Hmm.... What is it?" Willo asked.

"Why don't you want me to eat sushi? You do realize that it's my favorite food, right?" The blue half cat asked.

"Yes, I do. That's exactly why I don't want you to eat it. You stole my candy the other day, and this is revenge." The female ghost Yo-kai replied.

Jillinyan was about to open her mouth to argue, but Nate interrupted by peeking his head into his room. "If we don't leave soon, we're going to be late for school."

"Willo! Give me the leaf! I don't want to be late for the first day of school!" Jillinyan wailed. 

Willo laughed and tossed the leaf down and Jillinyan scrambled over to it. Willo actually knew that Jillinyan would never break the school to ruin when she was so excited to go. "I've learned a lesson today," Jillinyan muttered. "And that is to never trust a ghost Yo-kai, especially if her name is Willo."

I bet all of you guys out there were glaring at WolfAngel's name screaming "PUBLISH THE NEXT CHAPTER WOLFANGEL!" You weren't?! Oh, well even if you weren't, Tic did it enough to make up for you. It haunts me in my dreams so.... at least I updated. So you can't yell at me to update until chapter eight. But I'll try to update more often.

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