Monk or Exorcist

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Nate walked home very slowly. School was awful with Jillinyan causing so much trouble in the classroom. Nate sighs. "Are you bored?" Jillinyan suddenly asked.

Nate shook his head very quickly. He had already seen what Jillinyan's idea of 'fun' was. "Phooey." She said sadly.

She soon brightened as she came up with another plan to torment Nate or the other Yo-kai living in his house. Speaking of which, he was going to have to act fast if he was going to get Hidabat and Shogunyan out of his room. With that on his mind, he rushed home.


When he got to his house, he ran up the stairs and and went to herd the Yo-kai out. Shogunyan went out without much fuss, but Hidabat wasn't going without a fight. "I don't want to go!" Hidabat screeched.

"You have to!" Nate said urgently.

"Why?!" Hidabat asked Nate while he tried to cling to the closet door for dear life.

"Because there is an exorcist coming soon! I'm sure you don't want to be evicted the hard way." Nate exclaimed.

"Why is there an exorcist coming!?" Hidabat asked, quite upset.

"You met Jillinyan and Willo, right? Well, it's their fault." Nate answered.

Understanding the threat of an exorcist, Hidabat reluctantly released the closet door.  As fast as he could, Nate ran down the stairs to meet Jillinyan, Willo, Whisper, Jibanyan, and Shogunyan outside.  The five afformentioned Yo-kai were sitting on the sidewalk, watching the cars go by.

"I'm surprised that Jibanyan is just sitting there instead of trying to fight all of those cars." Nate mumbled.

Hidabat joined the group of Yo-kai, looking very uncomfortable being outside. Just seconds later, a purple robed figure approached them. His wooden staff clicked against the sidewalk as he slowly moved towards Nate's house.

"He looks more like a monk than an exorcist," Jillinyan muttered.  Whisper visibly flinched at the word 'monk.'

Jillinyan noticed this and decided to tease him. "Aww, is the ghost afraid of the monk?"

Willo wasn't to happy that Jillinyan was teasing one of her own. "Jillinyan, leave him alone!" Willo said in exasperation.

"What if I don't want to?" Jillinyan wondered.

Willo glared at her. "Then I'll make you stop."

"So scary. The marshmallow starts the threats." Jillinyan mocked.

Willo's glare hardened. She opened her mouth to insult Jillinyan once more, but Jibanyan interrupted. "Can you two shut up!?"

"No, not at all." Jillinyan stated.

Jibanyan just groaned and Nate said. "Be quiet. Monk or exorcist, they do the same thing. Speaking of which, he just arrived at my front door."

"No. Exorcists show you the light." Whisper explained as Willo and Jillinyan said "Monks shove you in a Crank-a-Kai for many decades."

Nate's mother opened the door for him. He walked in and did whatever he needed to do. And now, they waited, keeping themselves entertained by counting the different colored cars as the went by. About an hour later, the exorcist left the house.

As the exorcist walked past where the six Yo-kai were sitting, he suddenly paused. He looked around and saw Nate sitting down and said, "I sense six spirits around that boy. They have surrounded him!"

"You guys better go," Nate whispered urgently.

Willo, Whisper, Hidabat, and Jibanyan wasted no time and quickly fled the scene. With Willo and Whisper floating through the wall while Hidabat and Jibanyan ran through the door. Shogunyan and Jillinyan stubbornly stayed where they were.

"You are no match for me, the mighty Shogunyan!" He shouted as he unsheathed his blade.

"You're just a fraud." Jillinyan muttered.

"Oh no." Nate murmured.

"Be gone evil spirits!" The exorcist shouted as he started his chant.

Shogunyan and Jillinyan were soon effected. Nate really didn't want to see another exorcism, so he started thinking about ways to stop the exorcist this time. He quickly racked his brain for an idea, and he came up with a plan. He put his idea in motion. He was going to distract the exorcist long enough for the two Yo-kai to escape.

Thankfully his mother was inside, thinking that the exorcist was done with his job, so Nate was able to distract the unnamed exorcist. Jillinyan didn't run but quickly walked away. Shogunyan was a stubborn idiot and decided to brandish his sword once more. "Shogunyan! Stop being a stupid cat and run away!" Nate whispered urgently to Shogunyan.

The exorcist blinked. "Who are you talking to?"

"Umm..... an imaginary friend?" Nate said, his tone very unconvincing.

"Does this 'friend' happen to be a spirit?" The exorcist asked, unconvinced.

"I guess? Do Yo-kai count as spirits?" Nate wondered.

"Yo-kai? The mythical spirits? They don't exist." The short man answered.

"Well.... I hate to burst your bubble, but they do." Nate told the midget of an exorcist. "There is one right in front of you. He is a samurai cat, and well, he's my friend; so were the others who scrambled or floated away."

"But they don't exist." The old man repeated once more.

"Yet there is one standing next to you!" Nate argued.

"You sense the spirits as well?" The exorcist questioned Nate.

Nate resisted the urge to face palm. "I don't just sense them, I can see them." Nate stated as calmly as possible.

"How can you see them!? It isn't possible to see them!" The exorcist insisted.

Wordlessly, Nate clicked the button on his Yo-kai Watch.  He lowered the lense so that the exorcist could see that through it, and pointed it at Shogunyan. The Samurai Cat Yo-kai was visible through the lens. "What is that?!" The exorcist questioned.

"That is my friend, Shogunyan. He is a Samurai Cat Yo-kai." Nate explained.

"But Yo-kai don't exist!" The unnamed exorcist said.

"But there is one right there!" Nate cried out in exasperation.

"You know what, if that is the case, I won't bother the Yo-kai again." The exorcist said. "But what is the difference between Yo-kai and spirits?"

"Yo-kai effect people or the world around them. For example, Buhu makes people have bad luck, Shmoopie makes people forgivable no matter what they do, and Roughraff makes people punks." Nate explained.

The short man blinked slowly, thinking about what he was just told. "That might explain my nephew," he muttered.

"Sure, I guess. Anyway, can you please leave my friends alone?" Nate asked as politely as he could.

"I'll try to leave the Yo-kai alone, but I won't always be able the difference." The exorcist replied.

"I wouldn't  worry about it.... just leave my Yo-kai friends alone please." Nate told him.

"Of course! I shall do my best to not harm your friends." He said as he walked away.

Nate sighed in relief. All the Yo-kai had escaped, peered out. "Is he gone for good?" Whisper asked in a quiet voice.

"He isn't gone for good, but he has said that he won't hurt you." Nate answered.

"So you just told him all about us Yo-kai?" Jillinyan stated.

"Sorta." Nate admitted.

Shogunyan was sulking because he wasn't able to slice and cut the exorcist. "Cheer up!" Jillinyan chirped, "You might be able to slice Whisper."

"Not again..." Whisper whined.

A/N Hello readers! WolfAngel here. We would appreciate some feedback. (Peferably in comments.) So until we get some, we won't  post any chapters. We'll write them in advance, but we won't publish them.

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