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Joe's POV-

It was evening and Caspar, Tyler, Troye, Connor and I had decided to go to a restaurant Connor always raves about for dinner.

I was wearing skinny jeans and my MTV t-shirt with white converse.

My hair was in its usual messy style.

Hazel's POV-

Arden and Will had arranged for us to go to a restaurant that Connor had taken them to before.

I was stood at the mirror curling my hair when my phone buzzed.

Harriet Hamilton-

Hazel Hamilton-
It's all SO good! Miss you too! Xx

Harriet Hamilton-
I saw clips of your show and YOU FUCKING KILLED IT OH MY GOD IM SO PROUD!!!!! Xx

Hazel Hamilton-

Harriet Hamilton-
Really BIG YouTubers came to see you! Ever heard of Zoella? ThatcherJoe? PointlessBlog? Caspar? I saw there channels and they have TONNES OF SUBSCRIBERS. Also I saw you getting cosy with ThatcherJoe in one of his vlogs? Xx

Hazel Hamilton-
Haha! I've made some mates. And Joe and I weren't getting 'cosy' we're just friends! Xx

Harriet Hamilton-
I beg to differ. I saw in a 'PointlessBlogVlogs' video he was chasing you round the pool then chucked you in. Xx

Hazel Hamilton-
Your point?

Harriet Hamilton-

Hazel Hamilton-
Ah, Harriet H, the 'love doctor'. Any way, I'm off out to dinner with Warden! Xx


Joe's POV-

The restaurant was dark, all tables equipped with candles. We were escorted to a little booth at the back of the room, we were handed menus and cutlery.

Hazel's POV-

Will and Arden knocked on my door at around 6. "It's open!" I said, continuing to curl my hair.

"Are you ready for the meal of your life?" Arden said, exaggerating on life.

"That's how Connor described it, I would say it's not that great." Will corrected.

"Give me one minute." I said, still focused on the hair wrapped around the wand.

Joe's POV-

"So, we're here to give you some pointers on how to get Hazel to be your girlfriend." Troye said whilst chewing some spaghetti, pointing his fork toward me.

"What?" I asked, looking at everyone sat around the table. "Hazel and I are just mates."

"I see more than just mates in you two." Tyler added.

Then on the table next to us was Hazel, Arden and Will. Hazel was in a short skater dress, which was red. Her hair was curled perfectly, and her makeup was stunning. "Wow." I mumbled, but I'm pretty sure everyone heard.

"Do I need to prove my point any further?" Troye said giggling.

Hazel's POV-

As we sat down I saw Joe, Tyler, Connor, Caspar and Troye. I gave them a wave.

Tyler had a mischievous smirk on his face, looking at Joe. I rolled my eyes.


"You do realise Joe has been eyeing you up for the past two hours, right?" Will said matter-of-factly. We we're finishing our desserts.

I looked behind me, and there he was staring at me, he quickly moved his head to face Tyler and ate his pizza.

"No he hasn't." I denied.

"Oh yes he has!" Arden laughed. "I think you two should get together."

"How high school of you."

"No, seriously. You're both sarcastic as fuck, stubborn as fuck and your both pretty talented." Will chirped in.

"I'm not stubborn." I protested.

"And you just proved my point."

"Whatever, I thought you had someone that you think I'll manage to fall in love with, within a week."

Will and Arden just exchanged side glances. "It was Joe." Arden whispered.

A/N- I haven't updated this in so long oops.

The Singer. (Joe Sugg/ThatcherJoe). DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now