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When I sat down Joe gave me a reassuring smile, that I returned.

Then someone else arrived, whom I recognised immediately.

"TYLER!" I ran up to him and enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug.

"HAZE!" Tyler shouted.

I cried again. Tyler and I were also pretty close, as were Connor and I.

"I'm so sorry I missed your show! I had a meet and greet." Tyler pouted.

"It's okay Ty, you're here now! I can't fucking believe it." This is the best day ever.

"Girl, your looking fine as hell in that bikini!" Tyler complemented. I brushed it off and didn't take it in. Which was wrong.

Harriet would always compliment me, and I would roll my eyes and shake my head. "If you want to feel better, you need to accept yourself." She would tell me. "Your only going to feel worse." Which was true.

I didn't like my body, really. I was all skin and bone. I had bad skin. I had wonky teeth, because I was terrified of braces. I was tiny. My feet, in proportion to my body, were huge.

Despite all that. I'm learning, I'm being gentle with myself, because I'm doing the best I can. Luckily I do manage to keep my head above water. I see anxiety as a pool, and I'm up to my neck in it. Which I'm thankful for, because some people are drowning in it.

When Tyler sat down Troye whispered something in his ear that I didn't quite hear. Tyler's response was a coy smile.

"Connor is on his way over!" Tyler squealed as he looked up from his phone. "Oh my god! Joe, you're looking so cute today babe!" Tyler shouted.

I looked at Joe then Tyler then to everyone else, who were laughing, my brows furrowed.

"Tyler has always had a thing for Joe." Zoë said, making me giggle.

"#Toe forever!" Tyler shouted.


"How about we play a game... Never have I ever!" Connor announced.

"I don't drink..." Zoë and I said simultaneously.

"Instead of drinking, because some of us have already had a bit too many." Connor looked at Caspar. "If you have done it you get thrown in the pool!"

"Really?" Tanya moaned.

"Yes really. Jim, you start."

"Never have I ever, disliked someone here's YouTube video."

Caspar shyly raised his hand and Joe shot up. "It was my video he disliked so I get to push him in!" Joe grabbed hold of Caspars arm, because Caspar was much bigger than Joe, Caspar managed to lift Joe up and drop him in the water. "That's not fair you dickhead!" Joe shouted at Caspar as we all laughed.

"Never have I ever... Um, worn odd socks!" Tanya said innocently.

Everyone laughed and Jim patted Tanya's shoulder. "I think everyone has done that Tan."

We all got up and jumped in the pool, Zoë and Alfie held hands, as did Jim and Tan. On the end was Troye and Tyler, holding hands. I looked at Connor as if to say: do you know anything about this? Connor shrugged.

"3...2...1!" We all shouted as we jumped in, creating a splash.


I was talking to Zoë and Tanya in a corner of the pool when I felt to hands grip my waist and bring me down in the water.

I held my breath as I turned my head to see Joe under with me. As we reached the surface Zoë and Tanya were giggling and Joe was splashing me with water.


"Oh it's on!" I shouted as I splashed him back.

I got up out the water and Joe followed me out, I was running away from him through the sun loungers. I had to stop and take a breath when he swept me off my feet and carried me all the way to the pool. "No one challenges a Sugg!" He shouted as he threw me, and himself, into the pool.

"You're such an idiot." I smirked as we walked up to the bar.

A/N- I really liked this chapter. Just a little bit of fun :)

AND IM FREE FROM SCHOOL YAY! I will have more time to write and stuff! WOOHOO. 👍🏻

The Singer. (Joe Sugg/ThatcherJoe). DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now