The 2013 Watty Awards

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Hello dear readers,

I know, I know another author's note.

But this one is full of important dates and info for you!

First of all, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back into this story. The past six months have been quite the handful for me. But I don't want to bore you with the details.

During my time away from The Bang Series I started working on a new series, sort of a spin-off of this one. It's called, The Game. The first book, Let's Play a Game is almost complete. In fact I hope to be done with it (at the latest) Sunday, November 10th, 2013.

After that story is complete I will post a teaser for the second book, (yet to have a title). Then I will get back to this story!

I'm not entirely sure what day the chapter will be up but I will post a recap sometime during the week of Monday, November 11th to Sunday, November 17th, 2013.

Now I have one big favor to ask! I have just submitted The Big Bang, the second book in The Bang Series into the Watty Awards. I need your votes and comments. So if you know you've only remembered to vote a handful of times do me a favor and go vote for the rest of the book! 
Winning the Watty Awards would mean so much to me. I have taken two, nearly two in a half years off of school to work/improve on my writing, and I do believe it has payed off. I've come away with a deep appreciation for writing original fiction and young adult novels. And if I got to walk away from this humbling experience with the mirror hope of winning I'd be forever grateful.

I hope to see you vote!

Thank you as always!!!

Sara Reed

Not with a Whimper, But with a Bang (The Bang Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now