Chapter 10 (ending)

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I don't know why but I felt really warm and safe? I had a nightmare that night but I hope Ikuto wasn't bothered while I was asleep. When I opened my eyes I saw the same T-shirt that I gave to Ikuto last night and that was when I realised I was huddled against his chest like a kitten and I nearly yelled at him but I wasn't just going to wake him up like that. However I couldn't get out of his grip and it was time for us to wake up and get ready for school.
"Wake up"
"I don't want to"
"You have to"
"Can't I just stay like this a little longer?"
"But I can't move"
"Fine, I'll get up" Ikuto released his grip on me and woke up. I went into the bathroom to have a shower. Before though I gave him his school uniform washed and dried.
It didn't take long to get ready and because of this we were able to have pancakes for breakfast, something I haven't done in a while. We walked to school and I went to the royal garden as usual to check on the others as I got to school around 15 minutes before school started.
"Hi Rima" I said as I greeted the petite blond as I went to get changed for P.E. I wasn't the biggest fan of P.E but I wasn't bad at it so it was fine. We were playing netball and I was Centre for most of the time, I really enjoy netball and the team I was in won 2/3 of the games we played. The bell rang and I was off to change for recess.
(Ikuto POV)
As soon as the bell went I went to recess. I ran into Tadase and couldn't help myself to let him know about what happened last night (the cuddling, not the whole abuse thing)
"Hello kiddy king"
"You better not have done anything to Hinamori-san"
"You don't even use her first name? And you say that you love her"
"What do you want?"
"I just thought I would tell you about what happened between Amu and I yesterday"
"Then what happened?"
"I slept with her"
"Not like that, as in I slept in her bed last night because of the storm and we happened to cuddle a little. And by a little I mean she was snuggled in my chest like a kitten" I put on my signature smirk and left him with his jaw dropped to the ground. Ikuto - 9999 (Over 9000!!!) Tadase - 0
(Amu POV)
I happened to walk by Tadase and it looked as if he was just told the most shocking thing ever. His jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor. I decided not to question it as I walked by unnoticed.
My next class was Humanities and I was with Nagi and Rima. We were doing an assignment and I finished before the rest of the class so I just helped Rima with hers as she was a bit behind. We finished it before the bell went so we talked about random stuff as usual. Thank God she didn't ask about yesterday that would've been awkward. I had to go to the library so I went when the bell rang and told Rima and Nagi to just go to the royal garden and I'd meet them there.
All I had to do was make sure one of the librarians got a message from my English teacher than I left for the royal garden for the guardians meeting.
The meeting was almost the same except Tadase wasn't there even though I saw him earlier.
"Where's Tadase?"
"He said to me he had something he had to do and to just have the meeting anyways"
We then sorted out the details for the carnival.
"So we'll have it this time next month from 12-4 at the soccer oval with 5 stalls, one from each of the classes?" I asked to confirm the details.
"Exactly, if anything has to be altered everyone will be notified"
The bell rang and I was off to English
Chapter 11 (Time skip to end of school day)
I walked with Ikuto home as I pass his house on my way home normally anyways. I was so happy that I actually decided to go to the park, somewhere I used to go with Ami all the time.
"Is it ok if we go to the park?" I asked in case he had work he wanted to get done or if he just wanted to get home.
"Sure, I haven't been there in ages" He replied and we made a little detour so we could get there.
As soon as we got there I went on the swings. I was still short so I couldn't make myself go really high on my own.
"Ikuto, can you push me?"
"How old are you?"
"Just answer the question"
"On one condition"
"What do you want?"
"A kiss"
"No reason"
"Fine" And then he began to push the swing so I went really high and felt like a 6 year old again. I felt more alive than I ever had in my entire life just swinging as high as I could without falling off.
(Ikuto POV)
She looked so adorable on the swing set, I could stand and watch her all day if I wanted to. She looked so happy that I couldn't tell her to get off even if I wanted to. I'm more surprised that she was willing to kiss me just to get some height on the swing, not that I was upset. We ended up there until sunset and I decided it was time.
Once she got off the swing I held her close to me and she got the hint as I lightly kissed her lips, what surprised me more was that she kissed back with a lot more passion than I had, but I wasn't gonna complain so I kissed back and decided to take a risk and lick her bottom lip asking for entrance, she gave it to me and our tongues danced for way longer than planned and she only stopped to catch her breath. I wanted that one kiss to last an eternity, I wanted to constantly hold her close and tell her it's ok.
She blushed furiously while I just smirked and walked her home, and I finally got the thought through my head: I've fallen in love with Amu Hinamori.
(Amu POV)
Did I seriously just do that? My blush rivalled my hair and Ikuto just smirked. He then held my hand as we began the walk home. However no matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise, I enjoyed the kiss, I didn't want it to end and then I realised something I may or may not want to admit to myself: I've fallen in love with Ikuto Tsukiyomi.
Thanks for reading this terrible story I wrote ages ago but was too scared to publish and I'm sorry the ending is sudden. It was my intention for them to not date, however if many of you ask for a sequel, I'll do my best to think of something. Love you guys 💗

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