Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Of course Ikuto is in my music class, he's been in all my classes today. I quickly went to sit with Rima as she was my only friend in this class. I forgot to mention I play music while my dad isn't home to help me relieve stress and to relax, I've also gotten pretty good at it so I don't have to work as hard and I can just help Rima most of the time. Rima was also in the piano group, however she couldn't practise at home like I did so our teacher lets me help Rima, as long as my work is done.

"Hi Rima" I said as I sat down and waited for our music teacher, not even glancing in Ikuto's direction. "Hi Amu" she replied as our teacher, actually called Rhythm walked in and began class.

"Ikuto, just for reference can you play any instruments?" Rhythm asked with his head slanted at an awkward angle. "Yes, I've played the violin since I was little"

"Can you please play some for the class so I can get a view on your violin skills?"

"Sure" and after that he got a violin and began to play a piece that I couldn't recognize, but it was beautiful. He had me in a trance and I couldn't help but smile as he played. The song was sad but had another emotion in it that I couldn't pinpoint.

"Thank you Ikuto" Rhythm said calmly as Ikuto went to go sit down, then I realized the seat next to me was available, I hoped he hadn't noticed but as soon as he began to walk I knew it was for that seat.

"What did you think of my performance? Did it have you in a trance?" Ikuto asked as if he already knew the answer. I did really enjoy it and kinda wanted to say so, but before I could think my 'cool & spicy' attitude went and put bluntly "It was decent, but nothing special or trance-worthy". I feel like this 'attitude' of mine has become like a separate part of me, always popping up when I either don't want or need it and isn't there when I need it most.

The rest of class went rather well as I was in the piano group and he went with the others who played violin. Plus none of his fangirls could really play any instruments so they weren't even in this class, yay? Our assignment is to play a song of our choice at a performance in a couple of weeks, You had to play and/or sing and I intended to do both, as the song I was gonna do required both for it be how I wanted it to be. We had to work individually so I don't know what other people are doing, I wonder if Ikuto sings? He doesn't look like he would but I guess I won't be able to tell till the night. I had the first verse down on the piano once the bell went, I went to my locker and got my bag and left school grounds

I remembered I have to go to his house for that stupid project. I quickly texted my dad so he would hopefully lessen my punishment because I will be coming home late. I wanted it to be over and hopefully my dad won't be home when Ikuto comes over so I won't have to deal with the insane questioning after he does his usual with me. I went with that kind of mindset whilst I went to walk to Ikuto's house

"Are you sure your parents don't mind me coming over with not much notice?" I asked hoping to avoid this all together. Maybe if I don't go to his house, he won't go to mine? Unfortunately, as if he's always one step ahead of me (which he kinda is) knew exactly how to make me do this dumb assignment.

"They won't mind, plus if I did they would have cleaned the house which is against the rules Amu-koi" Ikuto answered, emphasizing my name way too much for my comfort. I don't know why he chose me of all people to annoy, is it because I was the one he met in the park? Does he think it'll be a challenge to make me fall for him? I certainly am NOT falling for this perverted playboy, plus relationships would make my father kill me, unfortunately this could actually happen.

"Don't call me that, Saaya almost killed me when we both called each other by our first names with no honorifics this morning, I swear if looks could kill, my funeral would be tomorrow"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't hurt my precious little strawberry"

"Why do you always tease me? Aren't there any others that could suffer in my place?"

"I don't do it to anyone else because your reactions are the best" He whispered as we went into his house. He's glad I haven't beaten him up yet, but seeing as I know how it feels. I won't let anyone suffer alongside me. Even from the outside his house looks quite big, but I didn't think he had any siblings.

"Why is your house so big?" I asked, plus it was apart of the project to ask whatever I damn wanted.

"My parents like to buy the best because they can, they like to show off their money whenever possible, our house being no exception."

"Are they this rich or is it a façade?"

"Nope, we pretty much get what we want with little to no exceptions."

I was downright jealous and annoyed. I didn't like people who liked to show off as there are people who could use that money in a better way than to just buy useless shit you won't use ever.

Ikuto didn't seem like that, why is that? He never mentioned to me that he's rich, he never speaks about his family at all, but still why does he need a 2 story house? He must have a bunch of siblings or family who stay over a lot because that's the only explanation I can think of as to why his house looks bigger than a hotel.

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