Chapter 9

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I'm almost done with this story and I'm sorry but the ending sucks btw because I had no inspiration so I'm gonna post the rest here so yeah thanks for reading and if you have any story ideas don't hesitate to dm me
(Ikuto POV)
Amu looks adorable when she sleeps (creep much), I decided to have a little look around her room before I went to bed (creepy much). The temptation to do crude things to her while she slept was high but I didn't do anything as I went through her closet and chest of drawers. I recall the others asking me to put some listening device in her room, Rima said it was because she was worried, but I'm just curious, even if I found out something I would make sure Rima wouldn't hear it as she doesn't seem like a person to keep a secret. After a little looking through her dresser I found the draw that had her undergarments. Jackpot, I went through and find some cute things I wouldn't mind seeing Amu in but I shook those 18+ thoughts out of my head as I went to bed.
Amu told me she moved when she slept but I didn't expect her to do the things she did. As soon as I got comfortable she wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled herself closer, I wasn't gonna complain as she was adorable. I could hear her panting and quietly whispering things like "It's not my fault she died!" "The only reason Ami isn't here is so she doesn't get beaten like me asshole!" That made me freeze in my spot. She got beaten by her father? So the reason she was so happy today was the fact that her father wasn't home and wasn't going to be for a month? What the actual fuck?
I wasn't going to tell anyone else about this, if she didn't want me to know then she certainly didn't want others to know, I was going to confront her about this privately. She doesn't deserve it (Nobody does duh) and I will help her get through this no matter what.
This made me know for certain she was having a nightmare so I pulled her close to my chest "Everything is alright, it's just a dream" I whispered into her ear almost seductively. It seemed to have worked as her breathing was calmer and softer. I kissed her forehead lightly and closed my eyes.
The thing I didn't expect her to do was whisper almost silently "Thank you" while smiling. Now I see why Tadase has also taken a liking to her cuteness, but I'm not the one for losing to kiddy kings like him. Plus I don't think he's gonna be happy with the fact I slept with Amu (Literally) tonight.
'I will have her like this again' was the last thought I had before I fell asleep.
(Amu POV)
I was in a dark room alone and tied up to a chair with several belts. I could hear a laugh, it was faint but I knew it belonged to my dad.
"So why did you kill my wife, your mother and Ami's pride and joy huh?"
He asked with a whip in his hand. He's used multiple types of weaponry but he's never used a whip on me before.
"It's not my fault she died!" I yelled at him because it was true.
"Then why was it when we came to pick YOU up from school she died?" He asked whilst whipping me softly for some reason.
"Because YOU didn't notice the red light and slammed into another driver! If YOU had payed attention instead of being on your phone, THEN MIDORI WOULD BE ALIVE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. It was his bad behaviour that caused the death of my mother, not because they were picking me up from school.
"Where's Ami? My little model is nowhere to be found, I want to see my little angel singing again." He asked with a sadistic grin that would scare the shit out of anyone.
"The only reason Ami isn't here is so she doesn't get beaten like me asshole!"
I wasn't gonna let him touch Ami, I don't care if I die. She is not gonna deal with what I do.
He started to whip me hard and I already knew what was coming as he was about to deal the finishing blow when I heard Ikuto's voice "Everything is alright, it's just a dream"

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