Chapter 3

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"Class, this is Tsukiyomi Ikuto and I hope you give him a warm welcome to Seiyo, now you can sit next to Himamori-san and she will show you around the school." I hated when he said my name wrong, is Hinamori such a difficult name to pronounce? I know he does it on purpose but he has been doing it since elementary school, it's not funny its just plain annoying. He smiled then pointed towards me and Ikuto went right ahead and at down looking like he couldn't care less about what was going on. I could hear the girls saying things like "He's so hot", "Amu is so lucky", "and I wonder if he's single" and things of that nature. Just saying he isn't even that hot, yeah he's pretty good looking, but not someone to drool over or any of that nonsense.

"Hello strawberry" Ikuto said so casually and I was tempted to just elbow him in the gut hard, but I didn't as I wasn't to make a scene in the morning. "Hi Ikuto, and don't call me that" I replied with my 'cool & spicy' attitude at full force, sometimes I wish I could just have a button for when I want it on or off, it would make my life a whole lot easier. I completely forgot that I just called him by his first name and his fangirls began to shoot me with their glares, it was amusing more than anything. Of course I don't have any feelings for the pervert, I would be more than happy for a random to just take him away from me.

Our first class was math and it amazes me how some people don't get negative numbers in year 9, it's the easiest topic yet so many people, Ikuto included can't even solve simple multiplication when they're thrown in. these are the types of things I thought about as I did my year 11 work. I was doing year 10 work but I finished that relatively quickly. Math was always my strong point and I could probably just slack off for the entire year and still get an A, but I don't want to become a lazy person and become cocky.

"Amu, can you help me?" Ikuto pleaded with what I assume are puppy dog eyes, but I think of Ikuto more like a cat that a dog. "It's easy, a negative times a negative always equals a positive so -9x-8 will equal positive 72" I replied and went back to my advanced algebra. This is why you're an x, you don't even know what you even are. Note to self: Murder the person who invented algebra if they are still alive today. Wait, did he just call me Amu? With no honorifics? It was probably because I called him Ikuto and that's the name I told him in the woods. But I hope his new found fan girls don't come at my doorstep.

After Math I showed Ikuto around the school which wasn't too big of a deal, if it weren't for the fact that he kept teasing me the entire time. "Thank you Amu-koi" He said and I shuddered at the thought. "Never call me Amu-koi ever again" I spat as I walked off to meet up with the others.

Rima and Nagihiko were bickering like an old married couple, Yaya was eating candy whilst hugging Kairi, Tadase was eating his lunch quietly and Kukai was nowhere to be seen. 'He was probably playing soccer with the others' I thought as I began to eat my bento. Before long unfortunately Ikuto decided to make a dramatic entrance. "Hi Amu-koi" Ikuto said, emphasizing the 'koi' which made me mad to no end, however I forgot the others don't know of his perverted ways.

"KOI?!" Everyone but me and Ikuto yelled at the top of their lungs which I'll admit made me start to laugh.

"I don't know why but he keeps calling me that and it pisses me off" I replied whilst glaring at Ikuto. Tadase was the most shocked and I couldn't tell why. Do Ikuto and Tadase have some bad blood I don't know about? They are the polar opposites of each other so it makes sense, but Tadase kept his cool and didn't react on his shock of the situation.

"That hurts"

"It was meant to, dumbass"

"You shouldn't call your boyfriend a dumbass Amu-koi"

"You are NOT my boyfriend and stop calling me that" Unfortunately after I said that I blushed furiously and he noticed. I probably should've just kicked him and ran but I just stood there and Ikuto took control like he always does, stupid perverted cat boy.

"Is someone blushing? And you may not admit it now but you will later my dear Amu-koi" And after that he left. Thank God, I wouldn't have lasted another second of that. The bell went and I was off to Social Studies with Temari. Temari is one of my favourite teachers as she is nice, understanding and isn't boring me most of the time. I got into class and sat alone as I don't have any friends in this class, that was until Ikuto just walked in like he owned the damn school and made himself comfortable next to me. I have no idea why he can't leave me alone for once, am I that interesting to him?

"Now this assignment will be to go to another's house and learn about somebody's lifestyle and find out things that the rest of the class may not know. You are to ask questions about their family, household and do the project on your partner and you must answer every question honestly. Also I don't want you to tamper with the natural state of your house as we want everything to be seen as you would normally see it" Temari, our teacher said calmly. This sucks, scratch that this is VERY bad, I can't let anyone find out about what happens at home. I didn't let my worry show until Temari was talking about our partners and said "And finally Tsukiyomi Ikuto with Hinamori Amu". 

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