Part 6: Airsoft 2

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I may have failed to invite Tracy to play arcade games but I did go with her to airsoft at Viking. Viking is a paintball park not far from our town. It sits on an old military base and they allow airsofters. This time it was me, Tracy, Tom, Max, Weasel, Gordo, Mark, and our other friends who were sorta secondary, Chad, Tim, Joey, and Leslie. Leslie is a girl in case your wondering, she's a hardcore airsofter and surprisingly not always such a tom boy. We split ourselves into two teams, Tracy, Me, Tom, Max and Mark vs. Gordo, Chad, Tim, Leslie and Joey. We played on a areana called urban that consisted of about 5 houses that were spread out and were completly open and had weeds coming up through the floor. We put Mark, Tracy and Me int one house and had Max and Tom flank around the left side. Mark had a sniper rifle so Tracy and I covered him from both sides of the house. At one point we were over run and the house next to us was filled with enemies, Tracy and I had to move to Mark's right flank to protect him and I caught him starring at her ass. I was suprised too. Mark had a girlfriend and at first I thought He was just looking there and she moved into his eye line but no. A few minutes later I had to move to Mark's left to protect him from two flanking enemies and I saw him once again starring at her ass. I was sort of mad. I don't know why. Obiviously I wasn't dating her so I had no authority on the matter and Mark wasn't cheating on his girlfriend so I figured I didn't have anything to say about it. That didn't make me any less mad though. We went back after the game to fresh up our ammo and clean our masks of sweat. As we were walking I heard Mark talking to Tracy. I'll admit I didn't hear much but of what I heard it sounded about like this:

Mark:"So - you have a boyfriend?"

Tracy:"N- I- n't"

Mark:"Are - nd - odd going ou-"

Tracy:"Hahahaha, N- re - just friends"

Mark:"O - ay"

And that was it. Still, Mark hadn't cheated so I didn't say anything. We refiled and played 5 more games. in a total of six games we won 2 and I got a total of 12 hits, 4 kills, and died 5 times. I used my Thompson that game and I acted up a little so I decided to take it to the hobby shop tomorrow. I gave Tracy a ride back to her house we had kind of a weird ride.

"So does your friend Mark have a girlfriend?" she asked to my surprise and annoyance.

"Yes." I said. I usually said yeah to things when they were chill but this was not chill so I said, Yes.

"Really?" she asked sorta shocked."


"Huh." she said.

Instead of prying more into it I changed the subject. "So that was fun." I said much happier. "How many kills did you get?"

"15 hits, 7 kills." she said.

"Damn you beat me."

She smiled."Hey thanks for inviting me out that was fun."

"Yeah no problem." I said.

I dropped her off at her house.

"Thanks for the ride". She said.

"Yeah no prob."

"Good night!" she called as she went in.

"Night!" I said back.

I drove off then and headed back to my house. I went home and played COD online with Max until 10 and then went to bed and watched a movie called, The Reunion. It was terrible as I had suspected but it had John Cena so whatever. I went to bed afterward and tried to think about airsofting next weekend, but I couldn't get Tracy off my mind. I knew Mark was a good guy and he wouldn't break up with his long time girl friend for Tracy. Lena and Mark had been together for a year and half and were perfect for each other. Lena was a hot, girly girl who worked in a pet store and loved animals and Mark had 5 dogs. They both liked guns but she didn't like airsoft that much. Lena was a nice girl and had always been a kind person but had lately begun doing drugs at parties and drinking a lot more than she should've. Mark and her had only been to second base until about a month ago when she had really started drinking and then he got laid majorly. I figured now maybe he was only talking to Tracy because he had only been dating Lena till they 'hit a home run'. But no. Lena may have been a bit of an alchoholic now but that plus the first time sex was no reason for Mark to break up with her. I'd never had a girl friend and had only kissed one girl as you know.

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