Part 1: The Party

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I hate parties. The only type of party I like is one where people get wildly drunk and high and do insane shit but I'm the only one who's sober and just laughing my ass off at it all. This was very different from the party I was now attending. This party was filled to the brim with 60-75 year old business men drinking and just tasting wine and chatting about various happenings in the town including new construction projects or new laws or ordanaces. I was not here by choice. My dad is a developer and thus to keep up appearances and be good to his friends and thus took me along, he had to go to these parties although I think he enjoyed them. He had actually built the very country club in which the party was being held. It was a large building looking smaller from the outside although it depended on which side you were looking at it from. It had big heavy white cloth drapes on the windows held up by decorative Iron hooks bolted deep into the wall. The bar was well crafted out of western wood cedar and stained a perfect shiny gloss that reflected in the light showering down from the round LED bulbs hidden inside the large glass dishes that look like roof nipples. I simply sat in a chair away from everything so I could just listen to my headphones in peace. It was funny how the violent and adreniline pumping sound of AC/DC could make me feel so at peace. I eventually got board of sitting there wondering what the people were talking about over there so I decided to go outside. I stood and walked down the hall way to the middle of it where the entrance to the building was. I pushed open, with some needed force, the heavy glass door and stepped out into the night air. I stood there for a moment scanning the cars in the lot and watching a pair of strangers over on the other side of the parking area making out until it crept into my headphones. The sound. Maybe If I had just ignored it I could have stopped it all. But I didn't. I turned around and looked for the voice taking off my head phones.
"Yo, up here!" I looked up, on the roof of the building with her legs hanging down and a joint between her red lips was a beautiful girl. She was probably 17 or 18, She had long brown hair that was straight and perfect, she wore black jeans, and a white tube top that displayed her pink pushup bra under it. Her face was perfectly semetrical and she was so pretty I thought she must be talking to someone else. But no I was the only one here.
"Yeah?" I asked

She took a drag on the joint and then said, "Come on up here."

"Why? I don't even know you," I said this with sort of a chuckle.

"The why Is because I said so and If the only reason you have is because you don't know me then how will you ever meet new people?"

I figured her argument fair and followed up the conversation by asking how to get up on the roof. She pointed to a crippled drain pipe and a large hook at the end of the building about a 100 feet to my right. I walked down there and made my way through the bushes to the make shift ladder and climbed up. It wasn't so bad up there and in the cool night the roof at least gave you a view. The sourounding area was filled with 1.7 million dollar houses and a golf course all of which my dad and his partners had constructed over 20 years ago. My dad now had no ties to these properties except for the golf course. I walked over to this girl and sat. She offered me the joint and I politely declined. I think the only reason I was up here was because I was trying to meet new people. Lately I'd begun to notice that all my friends had girlfriends and I didn't. This was trouble some because I realized that I had spent all my time goofing off and having fun and not trying to get a girl. Thus I had no phone numbers of girls who didn't already have boyfriends. So I was now trying to just to get used to meeting and talking to people.

"So what's your name?" I asked

"Tracy." she said flatly.

"Todd." I said and held out my hand. She shook it.

"Are still in school?" I questioned

"Just graduated." she said. "Why do you ask so many questions?"

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