Mack and Cheese Continued

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Scene 4: At Sonny's House

Connie: Wake up!

Sonny: (Crankily) But it's really early! (Suddenly bounces up) What's the time?!

Connie: It's 4:20, Chad said to be there by 6 right!

Sonny: Yeah but I don't take super long to get ready. Oh and I value my sleep!

Connie: Early bird gets the worm!

Sonny: Who wants worms for breakfast?!

Connie: (Chuckles) It's an expression, sweetie!

Sonny: I know that! Fine I'll get up.

Connie: Great! (Walks out of room)

Sonny: (Checks her phone) Oh look a message from Chad!

You excited, I know I am! You're going to have so much fun at the Falls! Bart ordered cheesecake just for you!

Sonny: This dude is trying way too hard! (Turns phone off and gets out of bed)

40 minutes later.

Connie: Save me some of that cheesecake!

Sonny: I promise!

Connie: Make sure to not text and drive, Sonny! Be safe!

Sonny: Mom, I've had my license for like eight months! I'm fine.

Connie: Good!

Sonny: (Starts car) Bye mom!

Connie: Bye Sonny!

Scene 5: At Stage 2

Sonny walks into the meditation room.

Chad: (Walks over to Sonny) Hey Sonny!

Sonny: Hi Chad.

Chad: You're like really early! All the girls on my show take forever to get ready!

Sonny: So does one on my show. (Goes to a corner and sits down)

Chad: I know very well that you're not a morning person. (Sits beside her)! I'd give you a tour but you've been here already...

Sonny: So um where's my dressing room.

Chad: It's next to mine! (Smiling)

Sonny: (Teasingly) You want to ruin my life, don't you!

Chad: Yeah (smiles)

Sonny: Yeah.

Chad: Yeah.

Sonny: Yeah. So uh why are we the only cast members here!

Chad: (Scratches head nervously) Well um rehearsals actually start at 7:30 but we're supposed to be here by 6:30. I wanted some alone time with you, so I fibbed.

Sonny: (Angrily) I can't believe you Chad! You interrupted MY SLEEP, just to hang out?!

Chad: Pretty much, sorry?!

Sonny With a Chance ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now