Mack and Cheese

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Description: Sonny's cheese sketch has finally been approved by Marshall! The ratings of Mackenzie Falls have fallen due to Chad's recount. The director insists a Random guest starring!

Scene One: At the Prop House

Sonny: (Runs in) OMG guess what just happened!!!

Tawni: Austin Mahone is at Condor Studios!!! (Looks dreamily at the walls)

Sonny: Oh I wish!

Nico: Beyoncé accepted my friend request!

Sonny: (Sadly) Beyoncé probably doesn't even watch our show.

Grady: They opened up a comic store down the street!

Sonny: Actually they did! That's not why I'm SUPER DUPER happy though!

Grady: REALLY!!! (Runs out of the prop house)

Zora: Did your cheese sketch get approved?

Sonny: N- Actually, wait YES it did get approved! Right now they're making the costumes and set for it!!! I'm so excited! Are you guys!?

Tawni: Did you give the costume designer my list of cheese costume mandatories?

Sonny: Yes!

Tawni: (Claps) Yayyyyyyyy!

Nico: Does my character get to wear a hat?

Sonny: He's into punk, so maybe?

Nico: Cool, Asher's his name right?

Sonny: YUP! Yay you guys read my cast list!

Zora: Punks don't wear hats! Also Tawni, where in THE UNIVERSE have you seen cheese wearing a tiara!

Tawni: At my 6th birthday party!

Zora tugs on her hair in frustration.

Zora: You people are hopeless! Cheeses don't wear tiaras! Princesses do!

Sonny: Zora, calm down, it's a sketch! It isn't meant to depict real cheese and teenagers and parents!

Zora: You make a good point but a cheese wearing a tiara just looks WRONG!

Tawni: That's it, you're going down.

Zora: You want to fight! Bring it on.

Zora and Tawni are about to pounce on each other.

Nico: (Holds Tawni)

Sonny: (Holds Zora)

Nico and Tawni: (Blush!)

Tawni: Um, uh, Nico can you put me down!

Nico: Oh, uh, sure (releases his hands)

Sonny: OMG!


Sonny: (Chuckles) Sure!

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